Media Releases

  • 20 of September of 2024Meeting of the Council of Ministers on September 20th, 2024
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Spokesperson of the Government of Timor-Leste
    Ninth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers on September 20th, 2024
    available soon
  • 19 of September of 2024Timor-Leste's Solidarity with the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe Affected by the Floods
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Spokesperson of the Government of Timor-Leste
    Ninth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    September 19th, 2024
    Timor-Leste's Solidarity with the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe Affected by the Floods
    The Government of Timor-Leste expresses its deep solidarity with the people and governments of Central and Eastern European countries facing the devastating floods caused by Storm Boris. The heavy rains have caused major flooding, particularly affecting Poland, Austria, Czechia, Romania, Hungary, and Slovakia. The flooding has had devastating consequences, such as the loss of dozens of lives, the displacement of thousands of people, and significant damage to essential infrastructure.
    Storm Boris has already claimed at least 23 lives and caused large-scale destruction, including the flooding of thousands of homes, the destruction of critical infrastructure, massive power cuts and severe disruptions to transport networks. In several Central and Eastern Europe regions, thousands of people had to leave their homes in mass evacuation operations, seeking refuge in safe places.
    The 9th Constitutional Government's Spokesperson, Minister Agio Pereira, on behalf of the entire Government, expressed his “solidarity with the peoples and governments of the countries affected by this catastrophe” and stated that “at this difficult time, our thoughts are with the victims and their families, and we commend the tireless efforts of those who remain determined in the search for survivors and in assisting the affected communities”. END
  • 18 of September of 2024Government of Timor-Leste Expresses Solidarity with Portugal for the Violent Fires Ravaging the Country
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Spokesperson of the Government of Timor-Leste
    Ninth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    September 18th, 2024
    Government of Timor-Leste Expresses Solidarity with Portugal for the Violent Fires Ravaging the Country
    The Government of Timor-Leste expresses its profound solidarity with the people and Government of Portugal following the violent forest fires that have devastated several areas in the northern and central regions of the country in recent days.
    These fires have already destroyed more than 62,000 hectares of forest and resulted in the loss of seven lives, four firefighters and three civilians. Thousands of operatives continue their efforts to control the flames, leading the Portuguese Government to declare a state of calamity in the affected municipalities.
    The Government of Timor-Leste expresses its sincere condolences to the victims' families and praises the courage of the firefighters and all the authorities involved, who remain steadfast in fighting the fires and supporting the affected communities.
    The Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and Government Spokesperson, Agio Pereira, said, “At this time of crisis, we reaffirm our commitment to friendship and cooperation with Portugal. Our thoughts are with all those affected by this tragedy, especially the families of the victims and the brave operatives who are dedicated to protecting lives and property. We are confident Portugal will overcome this challenge with resilience and unity”. ENDS
  • 18 of September of 2024Government of Timor-Leste expresses solidarity with Southeast Asian countries affected by Typhoon Yagi
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Spokesperson of the Government of Timor-Leste
    Ninth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    September 18th, 2024
    Government of Timor-Leste expresses solidarity with Southeast Asian countries affected by Typhoon Yagi
    On behalf of the people of Timor-Leste, the Government expresses its deep solidarity with Southeast Asian countries, namely Myanmar, Vietnam, the Philippines, Laos, Thailand and China, which are facing the devastating consequences of Typhoon Yagi. This extreme phenomenon, which is hitting the region, has caused severe flooding and landslides, resulting in more than 500 deaths, according to official figures. Most of the victims are in Myanmar and Vietnam, with more than 290 deaths recorded. The Philippines, which also suffered severe material and humanitarian damage, is mobilising significant efforts to deal with the destruction. Thailand has recorded ten deaths, Laos has been seriously affected, and China has counted two deaths.
    Timor-Leste joins in the suffering of the brotherly peoples of the region and conveys its most sincere condolences to the families of the victims, wishing a speedy recovery to those injured and those directly affected by this disaster. The Government stands in solidarity with the emergency and reconstruction efforts already underway in the affected countries, recognising the resilience and strength of their populations at this time of great adversity.
    The Government of Timor-Leste also acknowledges the crucial role that relief teams, local authorities, and international organisations are playing on the ground in providing humanitarian assistance and coordinating efforts to mitigate the impacts of the disaster.
    The Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and Government Spokesperson, Agio Pereira, emphasized that “the countries of Southeast Asia are today facing a tragedy of immense proportions, and the people of Timor-Leste will not remain indifferent to this suffering. Our shared history and ties of regional cooperation mean that the pain of these countries is also ours. We are ready to offer all possible support”. END
  • 12 of September of 2024Meeting of the Council of Ministers on September 12th, 2024
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Spokesperson of the Government of Timor-Leste
    Ninth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers on September 12th, 2024
    The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace in Dili and attended a presentation by Ambassadors Nelson Santos and Vicky Tchong, from the International Relations Service of the Presidency of the Republic, on the program for the 25th anniversary celebrations of INTERFET (International Force for East Timor).
     The program includes a series of lectures on September 13th, and on September 14th the celebrations continue with a parade, a futsal match and a community concert. On September 20th, the 25th anniversary of INTERFET's arrival in East Timor, a solemn ceremony and a futsal festival will be held at the headquarters of the Council of Combatants for National Liberation (CCLN Portuguese acronyms).
     The commemorations aim to pay tribute to INTERFET's historic role and the sacrifices made by the Timorese people and the veterans of the International Force Timor-Leste, promoting joint reflection on the period before, during and after the intervention.
    The Council of Ministers took balancing of the apostolic visit of His Holiness Pope Francis to Timor-Leste, highlighting the massive participation of the population and expressing its appreciation and congratulations to the organizing committee, as well as to all the entities involved for the exemplary organization of the Holy Father's visit.
    During the three days of his visit, from September 9th to 11th, Pope Francis was warmly welcomed by the population, with thousands of people following him effusively through the streets of Dili. The highlight of the visit was the celebration of Mass in Tasi Tolu, which brought together around 600,000 people. END
  • 04 of September of 2024Meeting of the Council of Ministers on September 4th, 2024
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Spokesperson of the Government of Timor-Leste
    Ninth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    Meeting of the Council of Ministers on September 4th, 2024
    The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace in Dili and approved the draft Government Resolution on supporting the Apostolic Nunciature in Dili in preparation for His Holiness Pope Francis's visit to Timor-Leste.
    This Government Resolution authorises purchasing and donating a lift to the Apostolic Nunciature in Dili, which will be installed in its building. The aim is to improve the mobility conditions of His Holiness Pope Francis during his stay in the country between September 9th and 11th, 2024. The maximum cost of purchasing this lift will be US$61,500.
    The draft Decree-Law presented by the Minister of Education, Dulce de Jesus Soares, for the approval of the National Core Curriculum for the Third Cycle of Basic Education, which covers grades 7th, 8th, and 9th, was also approved.
    This curriculum, which replaces the 2011 version, aims to unify and modernise basic education to provide quality education in line with contemporary needs. The main objectives include developing scientific and linguistic knowledge and strengthening skills such as analytical-critical thinking, creativity, communication, and valuing cultural traditions. Of particular note is the introduction of the subject ‘Human Fraternity, Morals and Ethics’, inspired by the teachings of Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, to promote peace and harmonious coexistence.
    Implementing this curriculum will promote an inclusive approach to diversity and introduce innovative elements such as digital literacy and physical and mental well-being. Schools will have the autonomy to adapt the curriculum according to regional characteristics as long as they respect the guiding principles.
    Upon completing this cycle, students are intended to be able to actively participate in society with advanced scientific knowledge while preserving the traditions that shape Timorese identity and developing critical thinking skills to solve problems and make decisions with discernment and responsibility.
    The Council of Ministers approved, after re-examination, the draft Decree-Law on the Statute of Police Officers of the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL – acronym in Portuguese), which had been approved at the Council of Ministers meeting on May 29th, 2024.
    The draft Decree-Law, now revised, maintains the objective of establishing a new PNTL Police Statute to strengthen existing regulations. Among the changes introduced, it is worth highlighting the redefinition of promotion criteria, emphasis on meritocracy, and clarification of incompatibilities in exercising police functions. In addition, leadership positions in the PNTL were adjusted to better respond to the institution's current organisational and operational requirements.
    This Drecree-Law reflects the importance of guaranteeing a professional, well-trained and structured national police force, aiming to consolidate the rule of law and promote democracy on national territory.
    The Council of Ministers also approved a Government Resolution congratulating the entire population for their significant participation and collaboration during the 25th-anniversary celebrations of the Popular Consultation. The Government praises the spirit of unity, festivity, and peace that prevailed throughout the country, reflecting the deep commitment of the Timorese to building a prosperous and harmonious future for the country.
    In this regard, the Government is appealing to the population to maintain this spirit of peace and unity during His Holiness Pope Francis's visit to Timor-Leste next week, reaffirming the welcoming and fraternal nature of the Timorese nation.
    Lastly, the draft Government Resolution, presented by the Minister of Finance, Santina J. R. F. Cardoso, for the appointment of Joanico Pinto as Commissioner of the Customs Authority was approved, considering his technical capacity and vast professional experience. END 
  • 27 of August of 2024Meeting of the Council of Ministers on August 27th, 2024
    ✅ 1 - Donation of US$ 2.5 million to the Autonomous Region of Madeira to support the recovery of the damage caused by the fire that ravaged the island;

    ✅ 2 - Authorisation of expenditure on the procurement of a long-term service contract for the Submarine fibre optic cable;

    ✅ 3 - Award of a public subsidy to Guiding Committee 25 (CO25) as part of the celebrations of the 25th anniversary of the People's Consultation of August 30th, 1999.

    ➡️ 1 - Preparations for His Holiness Pope Francis's visit to Timor-Leste.
  • 26 of August of 2024Commitment to the Future: Progress and Continuity for the Second Year of the 9th Government
    Presidency of the Council of Ministers
    Spokesperson of the Government of Timor-Leste
    Ninth Constitutional Government
    Press Release
    August 26th, 2024
    Commitment to the Future: Progress and Continuity for the Second Year of the 9th Government
    Now that the 9th Constitutional Government, through the Political Review Committee, is analysing the sectoral budget programmes and proposals to finalise the preparation of the 2025 General State Budget, the Government, led by Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, reaffirms its commitment to sustainable development and the well-being of all Timorese. The careful preparation of the budget reflects the Government's will to consolidate the achievements made in its first year in office and respond effectively to the country's challenges. This budget process is seen as an opportunity to reinforce ongoing public policies and adjust strategies where necessary, always to ensure a prosperous and equitable future for Timor-Leste.
    After just over a year in office, several actions have already been implemented that reflect the continued commitment to the country's social and economic development while reaffirming the Government's determination to stay the course and respond to the challenges encountered. In this context, the Government has worked to consolidate the achievements and promote the necessary reforms, showing concrete results in several key areas.

    Improvements in International Integration and Economic Development
    Timor-Leste's accession to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and progress in ASEAN membership remain critical pillars of the Government's strategy for bringing the country into the global economy. Following the formalisation of WTO accession in February, the Government has focused on preparing reforms that facilitate trade and Timor-Leste's integration into international markets, strengthening the country's position on the global economic stage. The Government has also signed several bilateral agreements in areas of strategic cooperation, strengthening diplomatic relations with various countries and organisations, and promoting Timor-Leste as an attractive destination for investment.
    In agriculture, the Government has implemented several initiatives to boost the sector, including the rehabilitation and construction of irrigation systems and the distribution of modern agricultural equipment, among other actions aimed at increasing productivity and ensuring food security throughout the country.

    Strengthening Structural Reforms and Security
    Regarding Security, the reforms implemented in the first year, including the reintegration of police officers from the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) and the restructuring of the security forces, are being continuously evaluated and adjusted to ensure their effectiveness. The Government has reinforced its commitment to the discipline and neutrality of the security forces, which are essential for the stability and credibility of national institutions.
    The restructuring of the petroleum and mineral resources sector, which began with the reformulation of the sector's entities and the approval of new exploration agreements, is progressing to ensure that these resources are managed effectively and for the benefit of all Timorese. As part of the Greater Sunrise project, negotiations continue to ensure that Timor-Leste maximises the benefits of this strategic resource.

    Justice Reforms
    The Government remains committed to reforming the Justice Sector, with particular emphasis on training qualified professionals. A concrete example of this effort is that 51 Timorese scholars have been sent to Portugal as part of the Justice Sector Reform Programme. Of these, 48 will attend law schools, and three specialise in forensic medicine. This measure aims to ensure that Timor-Leste has a robust and efficient judicial system capable of facing current and future challenges.

    Continuity in Social Development
    The Government is committed to reforming the education system and higher education. Mechanisms are being implemented to guarantee efficient human resource management in education, ensuring that education continues to improve in terms of quality and accessibility. The approval of the Higher Education Framework Law, which establishes a new structure for the sector, is also one of the concrete steps in this direction.
    The Government promoted monthly increases in the amount of social pensions for invalidity and the elderly, in the non-contributory social security system. The rates of selective consumption tax and customs duties on imports, which had been brutally increased in 2023, were also adjusted.
    At the same time, the Government has been continuously working on improving hospital infrastructure and implementing large-scale vaccination campaigns to strengthen hospital capacities at the national and local levels. In addition to these actions, it has endeavoured to ensure the necessary quantity of medication to meet the population's needs. Last month, a multisectoral team made up of representatives from the Anti-Corruption Commission, the Civil Service Commission, the General Inspector of the State, and the General Directorate of State Assets Management confirmed that the stock of medication at the National Institute of Pharmacy and Medical Products is adequate to meet national needs until February 2025. Processes are also underway to acquire more medication, many of which have already arrived or are on their way.

    Infrastructure Development and Innovative Initiatives
    Infrastructure development continues to be a priority, emphasising the soon-to-be-undertaken rehabilitation of the President Nicolau Lobato International Airport. This project aims to improve Timor-Leste's connectivity with the world. The recent installation of the submarine fibre optic cable linking Timor-Leste to Darwin in Australia represents another critical milestone, promising to transform the country's digital infrastructure and boost economic development.
    Following an in-depth study into the needs for urgent intervention, the Government has prioritised the construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of the national, municipal and rural road network, following international quality and safety standards, and the development of infrastructure that is essential for economic growth and the well-being of the population. A process of normalising streams is also underway, aimed at mitigating the risk of flooding and protecting local communities, thus ensuring greater resilience to climate change. In the water and sanitation sector, the Government has made progress in implementing the Water Supply and Sanitation Master Plan in Dili and the municipal capitals, guaranteeing safe access to drinking water, which is fundamental for improving health, education and social development indicators.
    Launching the One-Stop Shop was also an essential step towards simplifying administrative processes, especially for small and medium-sized companies, thus promoting a more efficient and accessible business environment.

    Towards a Sustainable and Prosperous Future
    While progress is being made in consolidating the first year's achievements, the Government is already preparing a set of strategic initiatives for 2025. Among the main plans are continuing the economic and fiscal reforms, expanding the infrastructure modernisation programme, and strengthening social policies, with particular emphasis on health and education. The Government also plans to intensify efforts towards full membership in ASEAN, strengthening Timor-Leste's regional and global roles. Implementing blue economy projects and continuing the anti-corruption policy will also be priorities, ensuring that the country's development is based on principles of transparency, sustainability, and fairness.
    The 9th Constitutional Government reaffirms its commitment to continue working tirelessly for sustainable development and the population's well-being. Recognising that the work is far from complete, the Government is focused on consolidating the achievements made and responding effectively to the challenges that remain, always to build a prosperous and equitable future for all citizens. ENDS
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