Media Releases
- 12 of February of 2025Meeting of the Council of Ministers on February 12th, 2025Presidency of the Council of Ministersmore
Spokesperson of the Government of Timor-Leste
Ninth Constitutional Government
Press Release
Meeting of the Council of Ministers on February 12th, 2025
available soon - 05 of February of 2025Meeting of the Council of Ministers on February 5th, 2025Presidency of the Council of Ministersmore
Spokesperson of the Government of Timor-Leste
Ninth Constitutional Government
Press Release
Meeting of the Council of Ministers on February 5th, 2025
The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace in Dili and approved the draft Government Decree, presented by the Vice Prime Minister, Minister Coordinator for Economic Affairs and Minister for Tourism and Environment, Francisco Kalbuadi Lay, which establishes the fees due under the environmental licensing procedure.
This Government Decree aims to regulate the payment of fees associated with the issuing of environmental licenses, guaranteeing the application of the polluter pays principle and the sustainability of the services provided by the National Environmental Licensing Authority (ANLA, I.P.). The aim is to ensure a transparent and efficient licensing process to make project proponents responsible for the environmental impact of their activities. The fees set vary according to the category of project, considering the potential size of the environmental impact, as well as the stage of the licensing procedure.
The draft Government Resolution for the dismissal of Elvira Manat from the post of Regional Secretary for Finance of the Special Administrative Region of Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA) Authority was also approved. The Government Resolution also states that the President of the RAEOA Authority will temporarily take over the Authority's financial responsibilities until a new Regional Secretary for Finance is appointed.
The Council of Ministers approved the draft Government Resolution, presented by the Minister of Interior, to define the recruitment needs for 2025 of the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) and to authorize the opening of a public competition for admission to the Agents ‘Training Course and the Officers’ Training Course.
The aim of this measure is to reinforce the PNTL's personnel to ensure greater operational capacity and a more efficient police presence throughout the country. The recruitment of new agents and officers will make it possible to fill the current shortfall in human resources, improve patrol and surveillance levels and contribute to strengthening public security. It is also intended to promote the generational renewal of the institution, to ensure the continuity and modernization of the police structure. This recruitment also aims to strengthen the representativeness of the PNTL, to guarantee a police force that is even more representative of national diversity, which is fundamental to establishing a relationship of trust and proximity with the different communities.
A total of 500 new personnel will be recruited, of whom 400 will join the Agents ‘Training Course and 100 Officers’ Training Course.
In accordance with the projects presented by the Minister of Public Works, Samuel Marçal, the Council of Ministers decided to authorize expenditure for the:
Installation of Gabion Boxes on the Laclo River, Suco Berloik - Alas Manufahi (P32), totaling US$396,249.46;
Construction of a gabion protection wall on the Bolobu River, Samutuaben, Cailaco, the Municipality of Bobonaro (P34), totaling US$ 532,503.81;
Rehabilitation of the road section between Remexio and Laclo - Package 2 (P36), totaling US$ 2,223,538;
Construction of the Naiboruk River Protection Road section between Viqueque and Beaço - Package 1 (P41), totaling US$ 429,792.11;
Construction of the Naiboruk River Protection - Viqueque - Beaço road section - Package 2 (P42), totaling US$ 484,602.09;
Installation of transmission lines (medium voltage), distribution (low voltage), transformers and residential connections in the Haupu, Asi-Manukatilete, Kairia, Riatoni-Lekidasi sucos (P58), totaling US$ 637,190.35;
Installation of transmission lines (medium voltage), distribution (low voltage), transformers and residential connections at the administrative post of Ermera, Suco Lauala (P59), totaling US$ 523,284.72; and
Installation of transmission lines (medium voltage), distribution (low voltage), transformers and residential connections at the administrative post of Ermera, Tidibesi, Taklela, Lalimlau-Sakubesilima (P61), totaling US$ 765,589.16.
The Council of Ministers approved the draft Government Resolution, presented by the Minister of Social Solidarity and Inclusion, Verónica das Dores, for the creation of the Interministerial Working Group responsible for drawing up Timor-Leste's Initial Report on the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
This Government Resolution reaffirms the IX Constitutional Government's commitment to promoting inclusion and defending the rights of people with disabilities, guaranteeing the preparation and submission of the initial report on the implementation of the Convention, ratified by Timor-Leste in January 2023. The document will present the measures adopted by the State to strengthen inclusion and the progress made in this area and should be finalized by April 2025.
The Interministerial Working Group will be led and coordinated by the Ministry of Social Solidarity and Inclusion and will be made up of focal points from various relevant Government departments.
The Vice Prime Minister, Minister Coordinator for Social Affairs and Minister of Rural Development and Community Housing, Mariano Assanami Sabino, and the President of the Institute for the Defense of Children's Rights (INDDICA) Dinorah Granadeiro, gave a presentation on the national commitment to eliminating violence against children.
At the INDDICA’s invitation, Timor-Leste will receive a visit from the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General on Violence against Children, Najat Maalla M'jid, from March 3rd to 5th 2025.
The visit is part of the commitments made at the First Global Ministerial Conference to End Violence against Children, held in November 2024 in Colombia, which culminated in global and national commitments to strengthen child protection. Timor-Leste presented ten commitments and expressed its interest in joining the ‘Pathfinder 2.0’ Global Alliance to End Violence against Children.
The commitments made by Timor-Leste include the approval of the Juvenile Justice Law by 2026, the integration of child protection into education policies, the strengthening of specialized justice for children and the professionalization of social workers in the area. There are also plans to expand parental education programs, increase the budget for child protection services, create legal frameworks for online safety and limit access to alcohol and tobacco, as well as implement a National Plan to Eradicate Violence against Children and an Information Management System for child protection policies. END - 30 of January of 2025Meeting of the Council of Ministers on January 30th, 2025Presidency of the Council of Ministersmore
Spokesperson of the Government of Timor-Leste
Ninth Constitutional Government
Press Release
Council of Ministers meeting of January 30th, 2025
The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace in Dili and approved the draft Government Resolution, presented by the Prime Minister, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, for the second amendment to Government Resolution no. 7/2024, of January 24, which created the Executive Committee with a view to establishing a Special Economic Development Zone in Oe-Cusse Ambeno.
This amendment extends the mandate of the Executive Committee for a further three months, until the end of April 2025, taking into account the complexity of the mission assigned and the need to complete essential tasks still underway. By the end of this period, the Commission should present the proposal for the organic frameworks of the future Special Economic Zone, ensuring its inclusion in the preparation of the 2026 budget cycle.
The Council of Ministers decided to instruct the Minister of State Administration, representing the State, to notify the contractors in public contracts LCB/006/MAE/2020 and LCB/007/MAE/2020, relating to urban solid waste management and the Tibar dump, to fulfill their contractual obligations within a maximum of 15 days.
Finally, the Council of Ministers approved the draft Resolution of the Government, Minister of National Liberation Combatants' Affairs, Gil da Costa Monteiro “Oan Soru”, on the implementation of legal measures regarding the registration of the data of national liberation combatants and martyrs, resulting from the publication of the notice of the second registration-2009.
With this Resolution, the Government reiterates its unconditional support for the Ministry of National Liberation Combatants' Affairs, in the implementation of all measures regarding the publication of the notices of the 2009 register, under the terms of the National Liberation Combatants' Statute, approved by Law no. 3/2006, of April 12, amended by Laws no. 9/2009, of July 29, 2/2011, of March 23 and 3/2024, of June 12.
The government is and will always be committed to ensuring that the entire process of registering the data of national liberation combatants is carried out with integrity and based exclusively on the law, guaranteeing the rights of all combatants.
In accordance with the National Liberation Fighters' Statute, if there is disagreement with the data published, interested parties have the right to submit complaints, duly substantiated, individually, within 60 days of the date of publication of the notices. Anyone who provides false statements or information, or falsifies documents relating to proof of militancy in the national liberation struggle in order to obtain rights enshrined in the Statute of National Liberation Combatants, shall be punished under the terms of the law. END - 28 of January of 2025Day-Off on January 29th 2025 on the Occasion of the Chinese New Year CelebrationPresidency of the Council of Ministersmore
Spokesperson of the Government of Timor-Leste
Ninth Constitutional Government
Press Release
Day-Off on January 29th 2025 on the Occasion of the Chinese New Year Celebration
available soon - 22 of January of 2025National holidays in 2025Presidency of the Council of Ministersmore
Spokesperson of the Government of Timor-Leste
Ninth Constitutional Government
Press Release
The public holidays with a fixed date and variable date for 2025, determined by the Law n.10/2005 of 10th of August, are:
a) 1st of January – New Year’s Day (fixed date public holiday);
b) 3rd of March – Veterans Day (fixed date public holiday);
c) 31st of March – Idul Fitri (variable date public holiday);
d) 18th of April – Holy Friday (variable date public holiday);
e) 1st of May – World Labour Day (fixed date public holiday);
f) 20th of May – Restoration of Independence Day (fixed date public holiday);
g) 6th of June – Idul Adha (variable date public holiday);
h) 19th of June – Corpus Christi (variable date public holiday);
j) 30th of August – Popular Consultation Day (fixed date public holiday);
j) 1st of November – All Saints Day (fixed date public holiday);
k) 2nd of November – All Souls Day (fixed date public holiday);
l) 3rd of November – National Women's Day (fixed date public holiday);
m) 12th of November –National Youth Day (fixed date public holiday);
n) 28th of November – Proclamation of Independence Day (fixed date public holiday);
o) 7th of December – Memorial Day (fixed date public holiday);
p) 8th of December – Day of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception and Timor-Leste Patroness (fixed date public holiday);
q) 25th of December – Christmas Day (fixed date public holiday).
r) 31st of December – National Heroes Day (fixed date public holiday).
The Law n. 10/2005, of 10th of August, determines national public holidays, official commemorative dates and the granting of days-off, and has been amended by Law n. 3/2016, of 25th of May and by Law n.º 10/2023, of 5th of April, to recognise key historical dates of the Timorese Struggle for National Liberation and for the recognition of the role of women in Timorese society. ENDS - 22 of January of 2025Meeting of the Council of Ministers on January 22th, 2025Presidency of the Council of Ministersmore
Spokesperson of the Government of Timor-Leste
Ninth Constitutional Government
Press Release
Council of Ministers meeting of January 22nd, 2025
The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace in Dili and approved the draft Government Resolution, presented by the Minister for the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Agio Pereira, which renews the mandate of Jaime Fernando dos Mártires Carvalho Correia, as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Press of Timor-Leste, I.P.
The decision is based on the technical capacity, experience and proven competence demonstrated in the management of this entity, recognizing that continuity in the performance of duties will ensure the necessary impartiality and good repute required suitability. The new mandate will last four years.
The Presidency of the Council of Ministers also gave a presentation on the Rules of Procedure of the Council of Ministers, with a view to improving the functioning of Council of Ministers meetings and perfecting the legislative procedure of the 9th Constitutional Government.
The Minister for the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Coordinator of the Strategic Public Policy Development Office, André Monteiro, gave a presentation on Digital Health.
Digital Health, or e-health, is the application of information and communication technologies in the area of health. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines Digital Health as a set of techniques, practices and attitudes that contribute to the efficiency of the health system.
The introduction of a digital health system in Timor-Leste can bring several significant advantages, including the transformation of time-consuming manual processes into intelligent digital solutions. This system allows for the implementation of centralized electronic medical records, guaranteeing access and synchronization of data in real time, promoting efficiency, modernization and improving the quality of health services provided to the population.
Lastly, the Council of Ministers decided to grant time off on January 29th, 2025, on the occasion of the celebration of the Chinese New Year. END - 15 of January of 2025Meeting of the Council of Ministers on January 15th, 2025Presidency of the Council of Ministersmore
Spokesperson of the Government of Timor-Leste
Ninth Constitutional Government
Press Release
Meeting of the Council of Ministers on January 15th, 2025
The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace in Dili and approved the draft Decree-Law, presented by the Secretary of State for Social Communication, Expedito Dias Ximenes, regarding the Organic Structure of the Secretariat of State for Social Communication (SECOMS).
This legislative initiative stems from the approval of Decree-Law no. 36/2024, of November 6th, which introduced the first amendment to Decree-Law no. 46/2023, of July 28th, which created the Secretariat of State for the Media. The main objective is to provide SECOMS with a functional organic structure suitable for carrying out its duties and ensuring the effective implementation of the programs and activities defined in the Strategic Plan 2024-2028 and in the Program of the 9th Constitutional Government for the media area.
SECOMS comprises the set of bodies and services that support the Secretary of State for Social Communication in the exercise of his powers. SECOMS' main functions include designing, implementing, coordinating and evaluating the media policy defined and approved by the Council of Ministers. SECOMS is also responsible for proposing policies, drafting the necessary legislation and regulations for the media area, and coordinating the dissemination of information on government programs and actions.
Also approved was the draft Government Resolution, presented by the Minister of State Administration, Tomás do Rosário Cabral, for the implementation of the Strategy for Administrative Decentralization and the Installation of Local Government Representative Bodies 2025-2028.
This measure aims to reaffirm the government's determination to consolidate the strategy of administrative decentralization and to continue the process of installing the representative bodies of Local Government.
The current Government Resolution establishes the annual plans, from 2025 to 2028, which include the installation of One-Stop Shop services throughout the country, the institutional strengthening of municipal authorities, the regulation of laws related to local government and the updating of the voter registration database. In subsequent stages, the creation of conditions for holding municipal elections, training the elected mayors and evaluating the progress of decentralization will be promoted.
Coordinating the implementation of the strategy will be the responsibility of the Ministry of State Administration, which will have to submit biannual reports on the progress made, and the challenges faced, ensuring the continuity and effectiveness of the process.
This resolution repeals the previous Government Resolution no. 45/2020, of December 9th, and enters into force on the day following its publication. END - 13 of January of 2025Timor-Leste's statement on the political crisis in MozambiquePrime Minister and President of the Republicmore
Ninth Constitutional Government
Press Release
January 13th, 2025
Timor-Leste's statement on the political crisis in Mozambique
From the earliest moments of the political crisis in our beloved brother country Mozambique, President J. Ramos-Horta has been working to establish contacts with Mozambican authorities to express his "total solidarity and deep concern regarding the serious social and humanitarian situation in that friendly country."
In the recent first quarter 2025 meeting of the Superior Council of Defense and Security convened by the President of the Republic, which had substantial participation from Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão, the distinguished members expressed complete solidarity and concern about the critical situation being experienced by Mozambican society.
The President of the Republic and the Prime Minister continue to closely monitor the situation in Mozambique.
Meanwhile, the Presidency of the Republic received an invitation to participate in the presidential inauguration ceremony to take place on January 15 in Maputo.
Given that official foreign travel by the President of the Republic requires prior consent from the National Parliament, and given insurmountable logistical difficulties, the President of the Republic deeply regrets being unable to make the trip.
President J. Ramos-Horta and Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão remain available to travel to Mozambique as soon as possible on a date to be agreed upon.
President J. Ramos-Horta and Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão make a heartfelt appeal for dialogue between Mozambican brothers, calling for a political truce, dialogue with great serenity and patience to stop the violence and create conditions for opening negotiations between all parties, leading to an agreement, even if provisional, that ends the violence, restores law and order, allows normalization of economic activities and community security. The dialogue would continue regarding a political calendar for the restoration of democratic order and legitimate political power. END