Media Releases
- 28 of March of 2025Timor-Leste expresses its solidarity with Thailand and Myanmar After the Devastating EarthquakePresidency of the Council of Ministersmore
Spokesperson of the Government of Timor-Leste
Ninth Constitutional Government
Press Release
Timor-Leste expresses its solidarity with Thailand and Myanmar After the Devastating Earthquake
The Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste extends its deepest sympathy and solidarity to the governments and people of Thailand and Myanmar, which were severely affected by the 7.7 magnitude earthquake that struck the region on Friday, March 28, 2025, resulting in several fatalities, injuries, and significant material damage.
The Thai authorities have confirmed the deaths of at least three people in Bangkok due to the collapse of a building under construction, with dozens more reported missing. In Myanmar, the earthquake, with its epicentre near the city of Mandalay, prompted the declaration of a state of emergency in several regions of the country.
Timor-Leste shares the suffering of the brotherly peoples of the region and extends its most sincere condolences to the families of the victims, wishing a swift recovery to those injured and those directly affected by this disaster. The Government expresses solidarity with the affected countries' emergency and reconstruction efforts, recognising the resilience and strength of their populations during this time of great adversity.
The Spokesperson for the 9th Constitutional Government, Minister Agio Pereira, on behalf of the entire Government, expressed his solidarity with the people and governments of Thailand and Myanmar affected by this catastrophe. He stated that “during this difficult time, our thoughts are with the victims and their families, and we commended the commitment of all those who continue to dedicate themselves to searching for survivors and assisting the affected communities”. END
- 26 of March of 2025Meeting of the Council of Ministers on March 26th, 2025Presidency of the Council of Ministersmore
Spokesperson of the Government of Timor-Leste
Ninth Constitutional Government
Press Release
Meeting of the Council of Ministers on March 26th, 2025
The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace in Dili and approved the draft Law Proposal, presented by the Prime Minister, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, for the second amendment to Law No. 25/2021, of December 21st, on the Judicial Organisation Law.
This amendment aims to allow the President of the Republic to continue to appoint the President of the Court of Appeal for a four-year term until the Supreme Court of Justice is installed.
Following the project presented by the Minister of Education, Dulce de Jesus Soares, the Council of Ministers decided to authorise the signing of the Financial Contribution Agreement between Timor-Leste and the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) for the development of the project “For every child, Early Childhood care and Education”.
This project aims to support Timorese children aged three to five in reaching their full potential through access to high-quality early childhood development programmes. The agreement provides for funding totalling US$6 million, and the Minister of Finance was appointed to sign the agreement on behalf of the Government of Timor-Leste.
Two draft Decree Laws presented by the Minister for National Liberation Combatants' Affairs, Gil da Costa Monteiro “Oan Soru,” were approved: the 7th amendment to Decree-Law no. 15/2008, of June 4th, which regulates pensions for national liberation combatants and martyrs, and the 2nd amendment to Decree-Law no. 5/2012, of February 15th, which regulates the Single Cash Benefit for national liberation combatants and family members of martyrs.
The proposed amendments aim to ensure that these schemes are in line with Law no. 3/2024 of June 12th, which made the 3rd amendment to the National Liberation Combatants' Statute, introducing measures to simplify administrative procedures, clarify requirements and deadlines, and strengthen the role of municipal councils in supporting beneficiaries.
Also approved was the draft Government Resolution, presented by the Minister of Transport and Communications, Miguel Marques Gonçalves Manetelu, which determines the dismissal of the current members of the Board of Directors of the Civil Aviation Authority of Timor-Leste, IP (AACTL) and the appointment of Zezinho António F. Gusmão as Chairman of the Board of Directors, as well as Maria Luísa Monteiro and Cornélio Vasconcelos as members of the AACTL Board of Directors. END
The Council of Ministers also approved the draft Decree-Law, presented by the Minister of Defence, Donaciano do Rosário Gomes. This Decree-Law establishes the rules for the transition to reserve and retirement status of F-FDTL military veterans.
This legislative intervention, effective from December 31st, 2025, provides for the transition to reserve status for military veterans who reach the age limit for their rank and the transition to retirement for those still on active duty who have reached the age of 60. This Decree-Law also establishes the granting, on a transitional and exceptional basis, of a monthly food allowance of 300 dollars to retired F-FDTL military veterans, ensuring a fair and dignified retirement process. This amount can be accumulated with the retirement pension granted by the general social security system. END - 19 of March of 2025Meeting of the Council of Ministers on March 19th, 2025Presidency of the Council of Ministersmore
Spokesperson of the Government of Timor-Leste
Ninth Constitutional Government
Press Release
Meeting of the Council of Ministers on March 19th, 2025
The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace in Dili and approved the draft Decree-Law presented by Agio Pereira, the Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, on the administrative supervision regime for public bodies that are part of the State's Indirect Administration.
The Decree-Law addresses the need to standardise the exercise of supervisory powers over public institutes to ensure more efficient and coordinated management. Without prejudice to each entity's specificities, this regime establishes a common framework for government supervision, ensuring greater coherence in the actions of public institutes.
Among the main provisions, the Decree-Law defines the powers of the responsible Government member, along with a set of joint authorisations that, due to their impact on public spending, must be approved in coordination with the Ministry of Finance. Actions related to the organisation of Public Administration and participation in private entities now require the approval of the Council of Ministers, and any actions undertaken without this authorisation are deemed null and void.
Provision is also made for substitute supervision, enabling a government member to intervene in cases of serious inertia, thereby ensuring compliance with legal obligations. Breaching these rules may result in civil, criminal, disciplinary, and financial liability. To comply with the new regulations, public institutions will be granted a transition period to revise their statutes and internal legislation.
The draft Decree-Law on the medical prescription regime presented by the Minister of Health, Elia A. A. dos Reis Amaral, was also approved. The Decree-Law aims to establish the necessary rules to guarantee the safety and efficacy of medicine prescribed to prevent malpractice and protect public health.
Among the primary measures is the mandatory prescription of medications, limited to doctors and dentists in the proper exercise of their duties. The law also establishes a maximum validity period for prescriptions and imposes restrictions on the quantity of medications prescribed.
To reinforce the control and authenticity of the prescriptions, they will be printed exclusively by the Timor-Leste National Press, guaranteeing traceability and sequential numbering. The law also provides for a system of inspection and sanctions, including fines and accessory penalties, for cases of non-compliance.
Also, on a proposal from the Minister of Health, the Council of Ministers decided to authorise a US$2.46 million expenditure to carry out complementary work on the construction of the new Paediatrics and Intensive Coronary Care Unit at the Guido Valadares National Hospital. The Minister of Health was also delegated the power to sign the amendment to the contract with the company responsible for the project.
This contract amendment and the corresponding additional expense are necessary to adapt to new structural and regulatory standards, correct technical aspects identified in the design review, and implement improvements that guarantee greater efficiency and safety in the hospital infrastructure. Complementary works include installing an air conditioning system that reduces the risk of contamination, an advanced wastewater treatment system for safe reuse, and improved thermal and structural insulation.
At the proposal of Minister of the Interior Francisco da Costa Guterres, the Council of Ministers approved the Government's draft Resolution, which outlines the rules for the transitional promotion of police officers from the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) in accordance with the modalities stipulated in Article 155 of the Police Statute.
The Minister of Higher Education, Science and Culture, José Honório da Costa Pereira Jerónimo, then presented the political-legislative options regarding the model for implementing polytechnic institutions in Timor-Leste.
Considering the plan to expand technical higher education in strategic areas, the options presented aim to establish a solid and effective model for managing national polytechnic institutions. The Council of Ministers endorsed the option of merging polytechnic institutes into a single structure and branching out into colleges, thus avoiding the establishment of management structures in each institute.
Lastly, the Minister of Social Solidarity and Inclusion, Verónica das Dores, and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Social Security Institute (INSS), Arlindo Pinto, presented the Council of Ministers with the report on the Social Security Reserve Fund.
During the presentation, the nature and characteristics of the fund were explained, emphasising its evolution from the initial capital of US$151 million to the current US$233.5 million. The fund's investment policy was also elaborated upon, illustrating how resources have been allocated over time. Additionally, the INSS mobile application was introduced, a digital tool that allows users, among other features, to access information about their contribution history and simulate the value of their future pension. END - 12 of March of 2025Meeting of the Council of Ministers on March 12th, 2025Presidency of the Council of Ministersmore
Spokesperson of the Government of Timor-Leste
Ninth Constitutional Government
Press Release
Meeting of the Council of Ministers on March 12th, 2025
The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace in Dili and approved the draft Government Resolution, presented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Bendito dos Santos Freitas, for the Consigned Contribution to the Voluntary Fund of the United Nations Resident Coordinator System, in the amount of two hundred thousand US dollars.
This contribution reinforces Timor-Leste's commitment to reforming the United Nations development system, which the UN Secretary-General promoted, and to implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Resident Coordinator System Voluntary Fund is a financial mechanism established to support and strengthen the coordination function of United Nations development activities in member states, ensuring greater efficiency, transparency, and inclusion in development initiatives.
The Council of Ministers approved the draft Government Resolution, presented by Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, regarding a donation to the Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe in the amount of five hundred thousand US dollars to support the costs arising from the Rotating Presidency of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP).
The draft Law Proposal concerning the Export Promotion Law, presented by the Vice Prime Minister, Francisco Kalbuadi Lay, was also approved in his capacity as Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs.
This legislative initiative aims to establish a legal framework to facilitate and encourage the export of goods and services, strengthen the competitiveness of the national private sector, and promote a favourable environment for foreign trade and foreign investment. The legislation aligns with the National Strategic Development Plan guidelines and Timor-Leste's international commitments, including membership in the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and ASEAN.
The main measures introduced include simplifying export procedures, eliminating unnecessary bureaucratic requirements and ensuring greater predictability for economic operators. The law also provides for the establishment of tax and administrative incentives for exporting companies, the formal recognition of certified companies and the implementation of a one-stop shop to facilitate the export process. It also establishes rules for training exporters, especially small and medium-sized companies, and promotes special economic zones to attract industries aimed at the foreign market.
The Council of Ministers also approved a Decree-Law, presented by the Minister of the Interior, Francisco da Costa Guterres, on the new organic law of the Migration Service.
This reform arises from the need to modernise the structure responsible for border control and managing migratory flows in Timor-Leste. Its goal is to ensure greater efficiency in managing migratory flows, strengthen national security, and respond to current challenges, such as increased human mobility and stricter border control.
With the new organic law, the Migration Office will have an Executive Director and two General Directors responsible for operational and administrative areas, ensuring more agile and effective management. The internal structure will be reorganised into three specialised National Directorates and seven technical offices to promote greater specialisation and efficiency.
At the proposal of the Minister for Planning and Strategic Investment, Gastão Francisco de Sousa, three draft government decrees were approved relating to the Municipal Spatial Planning Plans for Baucau, Viqueque and Lautém.
These plans establish the local territorial development strategy, define the municipal land-use and urban planning policy, and ensure the integration of the different sectoral policies that impact the municipal territory.
At the local level, the Municipal Spatial Planning Plans translate the guidelines established in the national strategic planning instruments, ensuring a structured vision for each municipality’s growth and sustainable development. Their main measures include defining the municipal land-use planning model, regulating the occupation and use of land and the programmed management of public space, allowing for more efficient planning suited to local needs.
Lastly, the Minister of Youth, Sports, Art, and Culture, Nelyo Isaac Sarmento, and the Martial Arts Regulatory Commission (CRAM) presented the Council of Ministers with the Report on Martial Arts activities as part of the application of Government Resolution No. 60/2024, of November 7th. This Government Resolution extended the suspension of the teaching, learning and practice of martial arts and rituals throughout the national territory, initially determined by Government Resolution No. 45/2023 of November 10th and subsequently extended by Government Resolution No. 17/2024 of April 24th, until April 10th, 2025. END - 07 of March of 2025Meeting of the Council of Ministers on March 7th, 2025Presidency of the Council of Ministersmore
Spokesperson of the Government of Timor-Leste
Ninth Constitutional Government
Press Release
Meeting of the Council of Ministers on March 7th, 2025
The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace in Dili and approved the draft government decree presented by the Minister of State Administration, Tomás do Rosário Cabral, on the Conditions for Awarding the School Lunch Programme Subsidy.
The Government recognises the importance of adequate nutrition for healthy growth, effective learning and the reduction of inequalities. The School Meals Programme has emerged as a strategic initiative to guarantee universal and equitable access to nutritious meals in the country's pre-school and basic education establishments.
This programme aims not only to tackle food insecurity and improve school performance, but also to promote the sustainable development of local communities by encouraging the production and consumption of food from local agriculture. The implementation of the School Meals Programme is thus a commitment by the state to the well-being and future of children, contributing to the eradication of hunger, the strengthening of the local economy and the development of Timorese human capital.
The Minister of Health, Élia A. A. dos Reis Amaral presented to the Council of Ministers the procurement procedure for the construction of a new building for the Ministry of Health, which began with the 8th Constitutional Government. However, the reasons behind the contracting by the previous Government were profoundly modified with the approval of the 9th Constitutional Government's programme, so its continuation would imply the use of financial resources without benefit to the Timorese, which goes against the public interest.
Due to the aforementioned reasons, on October 3rd, 2024, the Minister of Health notified the company ASBALAN, Unipessoal, Lda of the decision to terminate the contract, following Article 138(1)(a) and (b) of Decree-Law No. 22/2022, of May 11th, which approves the Legal Framework for Procurement, Public Contracts and Related Infringements, as amended by Decree-Law No. 14/2023, of April 12th.
ASBALAN, Unipessoal, Lda submitted a complaint on October 21st, 2024, although it was after the legal deadline (the 15-day deadline expired on October 18th, 2024).
The Council of Ministers also approved the draft Government Resolution presented by the Vice Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs, Francisco Kalbuadi Lay, concerning the dismissal of Mrs Agusta Antónia Gomes, from the position of Deputy Executive Director of the Business Registration and Verification Service, I.P. (SERVE, I.P.).
Lastly, in accordance with the draft presented by the Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Francisco da Costa Monteiro, the Council of Ministers decided to authorise expenditure on the programme on ‘implementation of the Tasi Mane project on the country's southern coast’ in the amount of US$ 40,500,000. END - 27 of February of 2025Day off in the morning of 5th March 2025 for the celebration of “Ash Wednesday”Presidency of the Council of Ministersmore
Spokesperson of the Government of Timor-Leste
Ninth Constitutional Government
Press Release
Grant of the morning of March 5th, 2025
available soon - 26 of February of 2025Meeting of the Council of Ministers on February 26th, 2025Presidency of the Council of Ministersmore
Spokesperson of the Government of Timor-Leste
Ninth Constitutional Government
Press Release
Meeting of the Council of Ministers on February 26th, 2025
The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace in Dili and approved the draft Bill presented by the Vice Prime Minister, Minister Coordinator for Economic Affairs and Minister of Tourism and Environment, Francisco Kalbuadi Lay on the Competition Law.
The aim of this legislative intervention is to establish an appropriate legal framework to regulate competition practices in Timor-Leste. The Competition Law aims to create a competitive business environment, promote market efficiency, prevent monopolistic and anti-competitive practices, and guarantee consumer protection, bringing the country into line with the international standards set by the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
The Council of Ministers decided to authorize the Minister of Finance to sign on behalf of the Government of Timor-Leste, a Financial Contribution Agreement between the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the European Union relating to the Multi-Year Action Plan for Timor-Leste for 2021-2027, in the amount of 12 million euros (around 12.6 million US dollars).
Following the project presented by the Vice-Minister for ASEAN Affairs, Milena Maria da Costa Rangel, the Council of Ministers also decided to authorize the complete proposals in the areas of trade in services and movement of natural persons, to be submitted as Timor-Leste's initial proposals to the ASEAN Secretariat and the ASEAN Member States.
These proposals are part of the negotiation process for East Timor's accession to the ASEAN Trade in Services Agreement (ATISA) and the ASEAN Movement of Natural Persons Agreement (MNP), as part of the negotiations for Timor-Leste's full membership of ASEAN.
The draft Government Resolution, presented by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Civil Service Commission, which sets the vacancies for the promotion by seniority of staff in the careers of the General Regime of the total of 3,540 vacancies for promotion established by this Government Resolution, 60 are for the category of Senior Technician - Grade A, 223 for Senior Technician - Grade B, 561 for Professional Technician - Grade C, 965 for Professional Technician - Grade D, 1051 for Administrative Technician - Grade E and 680 for Assistant - Grade F.
The Governor of the Central Bank of Timor-Leste, Helder Lopes, presented to the Council of Ministers a report on the operational management of the Petroleum Fund.
The presentation covered the Petroleum Fund's performance in 2024, including the fund's balance sheet, the income earned and the investment strategy. The portfolio allocation, investment returns, withdrawals made, and the overall impact of the fund's management were also analyzed.
The Petroleum Fund's investment strategy is defined by clear objectives established in national legislation, ensuring that revenues from petroleum exploration are applied in a way that guarantees sustainable benefits for current and future generations.
The Council of Ministers also approved a draft Government Resolution to award a donation of 60,000 US dollars to the Permanent Representation of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic in Timor-Leste, presented by the Vice-Minister for ASEAN Affairs, Milena Maria da Costa Rangel.
This measure reinforces the historical ties that unite Timor-Leste and the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, based on the common desire to fight for self-determination, the principle of solidarity with the struggle of peoples for national liberation and the right to self-determination and independence, which are present in the Constitution of the Republic, in the Resolution of the National Parliament of solidarity and support for the Saharawi people, and in the fact that Timor-Leste has contributed, since 2011, to the functioning of that Permanent Representation in Dili, through the granting of an annual subsidy for the exercise of its activities in Timor-Leste and in the region.
The Council of Ministers also approved the draft Government Resolution, also presented by Vice-Minister Milena da Costa Rangel, to approve Timor-Leste's voluntary contribution of 155,810 US dollars to the Special Fund of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP), to finance the project “Lusofonia in Timor-Leste”.
This project, developed within the framework of the CPLP, aims to promote and disseminate the Portuguese language in Timor-Leste and is being implemented by the Timorese online daily newspaper DiliGente, the only national media outlet exclusively in Portuguese.
The draft Government Resolution, presented by the Secretary of State for Social Communication, Expedito Dias Ximenes, which determines the dismissal of the current Chairman of the Board of Directors of Rádio e Televisão de Timor-Leste, EP (RTTL, EP) and the appointment of Elizeu Isaac Fernandes to take up the post for a four-year term was also approved.
The appointment is based on the new Chairman's recognized technical and management skills, as well as his professional experience, seniority, suitability and impartiality.
Finally, according to the draft presented by the Vice Prime Minister, Minister Coordinator for Social Affairs and Minister of Rural Development and Community Housing, Mariano Assanami Sabino, the Council of Ministers decided to authorize expenditure of 15 million US dollars for an annual grant to the Timorese Episcopal Conference (CET), to be implemented during 2025.
This annual grant to the Timorese Episcopal Conference is made under the agreement signed on August 14th 2015 between Timor-Leste and the Holy See, as well as the Framework Agreement signed on June 16th 2017 between the Government and the CET, which provide for an annual contribution, according to the Government's financial availability, to the social, educational and ecclesial Governance activities of the Catholic Church. END - 19 of February of 2025Meeting of the Council of Ministers on February 19th, 2025Approved:more
1 - Statutory Auditor of the National Press of Timor-Leste, IP
2 - negotiation of a convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with regard to income taxes;
3 - expenditure for the signing of the Subsidy Contract between the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources and TIMOR GAP, EP in the amount of 16 million US dollars for the year 2025.