Meeting of the Council of Ministers on January 27, 2021

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Eighth Constitutional Government


Press Release

Meeting of the Council of Ministers on January 27, 2021

The Council of Ministers met, at Government Palace, in Dili, and, on a proposal of the Minister of Public Works, Salvador dos Reis Pires, decided to appoint, as members of the Board of Directors of the National Electricity Authority (ANE I.P. – Portuguese acronym), for a four-year term, Ruben Jerónimo Freitas, as Chairman, Jaime Godinho Soares, as Vice-President, and Aurora Teresa Carvalho Magno, Junior Raimundo da Cruz and José Maria Xavier, as Members.

Also, on a proposal of the Minister of Public Works, the Council of Ministers decided to appoint, as Members of the Board of Directors of the National Water and Sanitation Authority (ANAS I.P. – Portuguese acronym), for a four year term, Domingo Pintos, as Chairman, Francisco Xavier Pereira, as Vice-President, and Miguel António Ximenes, Dulce Soares and Eugénio Lemos, as Members.

The Council of Ministers approved the Government Resolution draft, presented by the Minister of Tourism, Commerce and Industry, José Lucas do Carmo da Silva, regarding the second amendment to Government Resolution Nu. 20/2019 of June 14th, which appoints the National Authority for Expo Dubai 2020. With this amendment, Minister José Lucas do Carmo da Silva replaces Francisco Kalbuady Lay.

The Minister of Finance, Rui Augusto Gomes and the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Joaquim Amaral, gave a presentation, to the Council of Ministers, on the “basic basket” program’s implementation progress.

Lastly, the Minister of Transports and Communications, José Agustinho da Silva presented the political and legislative options related to the first amendment to the Decree-Law Nu. 15/2012, of March 28th, on the Regulations for the Telecommunications Sector, and the creation of the administrative regulatory acts in the telecommunications sector. The political and legislative options presented aim to amend or reformulate some of the solutions previously established and to clarify some technical and legal concepts, as the type of regulatory procedures. It is also intended to typify the actions or omissions that constitute prohibited conduct and to clarify their administrative sanctions. END
