Council of Ministers’ meeting of February 21st, 2017

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Sixth Constitutional Government


Dili, February 21st, 2017

Press Release

Council of Ministers meeting on February 21st, 2017

The Council of Ministers met on Tuesday, at the Government Palace in Dili, and mandated the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation to sign the Joint Commitment for Development, with New Zealand, which defines the objectives of this Agreement, particularly in the areas of sustainable development of the Economy, Education and Justice in Timor-Leste. It will be implemented through the New Zealand Aid Programme, which provides investment and support in key areas, particularly in the development of the private sector, with a special focus on Agriculture and Tourism, improving knowledge and skills in Education and improvement of security and justice. The agreement will be signed during the official visit of the Prime Minister to New Zealand, next week.

The Ministry of Justice submitted, and the Council of Ministers approved, a proposal on Timor-Leste’s position on recommendations received during the session of the second cycle of the Universal Periodic Review of the Human Rights of the United Nations, which took place in November 2016, in Geneva. Timor-Leste will respond to the 154 recommendations on March 16th, in the Human Rights Council.

The Council of Ministers decreed January 13th as National Day of the Sandalwood and Forests, aiming to highlight the central role of forests in maintaining a healthy environment, the conservation of the diversity of animals and plants, and economic development. Sandalwood has been recognized as an emblematic plant of national value. The National Day of Sandalwood and Forests does not enter the list of National Holidays or commemorative official dates entitled to holiday.

The Minister of State, Coordinator of Economic Affairs and Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries proposal for accession to the International Convention establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO, a United Nations agency), was approved. The Convention aims to promote the protection of intellectual property throughout the world through cooperation between States. This proposal will be submitted to the National Parliament for consideration and approval.

The Ministry of Tourism, through the State Secretariat of Arts and Culture, presented the implementation plan for the Academy of Creative Arts and Cultural Industries of Timor-Leste, whose creation was approved by the Government, in 2012. The plan presents the vision, mission and strategy for implementation of this educational institution. It was drafted by the Academy’s Monitoring Commission, with the support of the Charles Darwin University.

The Registration and Contributory Obligation System, presented by the Ministry of Social Solidarity, was analysed again to define some material technical and legal issues. It will soon be re-submitted to the Council of Ministers. ENDS
