Meeting of the Council of Ministers of April 12th, 2016

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Sixth Constitutional Government


Dili, April 12th, 2016

Meeting of the Council of Ministers of April 12th, 2016

The Government met this Tuesday, April 12th 2016, in the Council of Ministers’ meeting room, at the Government Palace, in Dili, and approved:

1. Government Decree on the Rules for the Superior Council for Military Defence

The Superior Counsel for Military Defence (SCMD) was created within the organic structure of the Ministry of Defence. This Government Decree regulates the functioning of this consultation body. The SCDM advises the Minister of Defence on matters under his competency, under the scope of National Defence and does not have any hierarchical relation with other bodies within the Ministry.

2. Government Decree on the National Work Council

The Secretariat of State for Employment Policy and Vocational Training (SSEPVT) can now count on the National Work Council (NWC) as a consultation body. Government, Employers and Unions are represented within its composition. Among other interventions, the NWC promotes dialogue on work relations policy and legislation and proposes the minimum wage.

3. Decree-Law of the regime of training activities of the Legal and Judiciary Training Centre

This diploma regulates the organization and functioning of the activities undertaken in the Centre (a body integrated in the Ministry of Justice), to stimulate professional training in the justice sector and enable the qualification of a group of Timorese that may progressively assume teaching and training functions.

4. Decree-Law on the organic structure of the Ministry for Public Works, Transport and Communications

The new organic structure seeks a less bureaucratic and more decentralized structure, applied to the direct and indirect administration of the Ministry. In this way the intervention of each of the MPWTC bodies becomes clear and its approval gives continuity to public service provision to the population.

5. Government Resolution that creates the Interministerial Commission for the implementation of the Agreement with the Holy See

After signing the Agreement with the Holy See on the 14th August 2015, the Council of Ministers approved the Commission’s creation to ensure its correct coordination and implementation, by the Timorese entities. It is chaired by the Prime-Minister and includes the Ministers of Justice, Finance, Education, Health, Social Solidarity and Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, where the latter serves as the commission’s secretariat and focal point. The Secretary of State for Land and Property also participates in the commission.

The Council of Ministers also analysed:

1. Update on climate change caused by the “El Niño” climate phenomenon

The Ministry of Interior updated the information that was presented to the Government on the 29th March, regarding the impacts caused by the climatic phenomenon known as “El Niño”.

Most of the phenomenon’s maximum influence, felt in 2015/2016, has been surpassed, and it is hoped that, in the second trimester, normal conditions resume. The number of people affected has been calculated at 120,000. The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Environment acquired 9,000 tonnes of rice and has defined six warehouses in the most affected areas, where food will be collected in a coordinated effort between ten ministries, led by the Ministry of Interior.

 2. Draft Law on the 1st alteration to Law no. 10/2009, of 5 August (Remuneration Regime of Judicial, Public Prosecutor and Public Defender Magistrates)

The Council of Ministers analysed the proposal to update the wage grid for Judicial, Public Prosecutor and Public Defender Magistrates, as well as the improvement of some aspects of the benefits system and the remuneration conditions of these professionals. The objective of these alterations is to guarantee the preservation of the principles of the judiciaries’ independence, security and stability, as well as separation of power, dignity and motivation of the magistrates, towards a sound administration of justice.
