Meeting of the Council of Ministers of March 15th, 2016

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Sixth Constitutional Government


Dili, March 15th, 2016

Meeting of the Council of Ministers from March 15th, 2016

The Council of Ministers met this Tuesday, March 15th, 2016, at the Government Palace in Dili, and approved:

1. Decree-law that regulates the Infrastructure Fund

The Infrastructure Fund, created in 2011, has worked as a mechanism for financing strategic infrastructure projects, with different management rules from those of the Treasury Account, allowing for greater flexibility in planning and the execution of large work projects, which usually extend for more than a financial year and, consequently, whose payments are also multiannual.

This diploma follows the approval of the General State Budget for 2016, and the need to assign administrative, financial and patrimonial autonomy, as well as legal personality, with its own revenues. The Fund is under the authority of the Minister of Planning and Strategic Investment.

2. The Government Resolution on the National Policy for Urban Mobility

The adoption of a Policy for Urban Mobility is one of the goals of the Sixth Constitutional Government, which aims to develop land transportation while ensuring sustainable development and  adequate environmental protection.

The National Policy for Urban Mobility will require that the municipalities prepare and submit their respective plans for urban mobility, in order to plan for growth in an orderly manner. This policy determines that the plans must prioritize non-motorised transport and public transport services.

The concept of sustainable mobility, increasingly present in policies and territorial strategies, assumes that citizens should have conditions for mobility and options for access that provide for safe, comfortable, timely and affordable traveling. It also places value on energy efficiency and reduced environmental impact.

3. Decree Law on the organic structure of the State Secretariat for the Support and Socio-Economic Promotion of Women

This diploma repeals the organic structure of the State Secretariat for the Promotion of Equality, provided for in the Organic Law of the Fifth Constitutional Government, and creates a simple structure, more functional and dynamic, to respond to the needs and demands of the Government’s Programme and the organic structure of the Sixth Constitutional Government.

4. First amendment to Decree-Law no. 17/2009, of April 8th (Regulations of Military Service Law)

This amendment to the rules of the Military Service Law introduces, on an exceptional and transitional basis, a change in the duration of F-FDTL’s contract system, allowing for the military class enlisting between the years 2009 and 2011, to continue in service for more than four years (two successive contracts of two years), so as to maintain F-FDTL’s operability.

5. First amendment to Decree-Law no. 6/2014, of February 24th, on the material resources and financial incentives of community leaders

This amendment aims to facilitate the updating of amounts transferred to community leaders as operating subsidies, so as to ensure the availability of the necessary financial resources for a better and greater provision of public services to local communities.

6. First amendment to Decree-Law no. 11/2013, of August 7th, which approved the Procurement Scheme of PIMD

The Planning of Integrated Municipal Development (PIMD) aims to ensure the process of infrastructure and social equipment creation in the most isolated regions of the country, thus contributing to the development of the economy’s private sector in those territories, employment creation and improvement of the quality of life of the populations.

The procurement scheme of PIMD is a fundamental instrument for the decentralized implementation of this programme. The changes introduced aim to ensure greater ease in the award of public works contracts under this programme.

7. Resolution which approves the appointment of the Executive Director of the Agency for the Cooperation of Timor-Leste

The Council of Ministers has appointed Libório Pereira to the post of Executive Director of the Agency for the Cooperation of Timor-Leste (ACT-L), for a term of three years.

The ACT-L oversees, coordinates and executes the policy of cooperation for the promotion of economic, social and cultural development of the countries that receive Timorese public aid.
