Meeting of the Council of Ministers from April 28th, 2015

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Sixth Constitutional Government


Dili, April 28th, 2015

Press Release

Meeting of the Council of Ministers from April 28th, 2015

The Council of Ministers met this Tuesday, April 28th, 2015, in the meeting room of the Council of Ministers, at the Government Palace in Díli, and approved eight diplomas and analysed one presentation:

1. Draft of Law on the Fight against drug trafficking

A Proposal of Law on this issue was approved by the Fifth Constitutional Government, in the meeting of the Council of Ministers of September 2nd, 2014, and was sent to the National Parliament for discussion and vote. With the inauguration of the new Government and since this diploma has not been voted by the National Parliament, the Sixth Government should approve a new proposal, in accordance with the Constitution.

The main objectives of this law are: establish the legal regime of the fight against drug trafficking, impose appropriate measures for controlling and monitoring the trafficking of narcotics, deprive those engaged in trafficking of drugs from the proceeds of their criminal activities, and determine the adoption of multidisciplinary measures aiming at the treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts.

2. Proposal of Law on the Fight against human trafficking

This proposal of law lays down measures for prevention, combating human trafficking, and the protection and assistance to its victims.

It is also reinforced the important commitment of the Sixth Government in the fight against human trafficking, with its first foundation based on the principle of respect for human dignity, which is a structuring principle of the rule of law, as well as on the principles of equality, the right to life, liberty, security and personal integrity, as defined by the Constitution of the Republic.

The legal-criminal options foreseen in the Penal Code relating to trafficking of human beings are taken into account, for which some amendments are proposed in order to conform with the international obligations assumed by the State in the field of the fight against human trafficking.

In addition to some preventive measures against human trafficking and against all related forms of exploitation, this diploma call for an integrated approach in the fight against this crime, focusing on key sectors such as security, justice, external relations, cooperation and social solidarity, as well as in the creation of special mechanisms for dialog with other public authorities and the civil society, whether in the field of prevention and fight against this type of crime, or in the provision of support and assistance to its victims.

3. Proposal of Law on the Establishment of the Bar Association of Timor-Leste

This diploma creates the Bar Association of Timor-Leste and approves a set of rules essential to the practice of law, establishing the framework for lawyers as key partners in the development of the system of access to law and justice.

In accordance with this law, the Bar Association of Timor-Leste will integrate the autonomous administration of the State and, as a collective legal person governed by public law, will become a public association, to which authority originally belonging to the State is now transferred, recognizing implicitly, that the public interest in question will be best pursued by the private individuals concerned, through bodies, namely disciplinary, elected by themselves, in accordance with the principles and rules of democracy.

This law is intended to contribute to a decisive improvement in the current situation of the Justice Sector, contributing at the same time to a greater awareness and confidence of the general public in their own justice system.

4. Decree-Law approving the Organizational structure of the Ministry of Health

In accordance with the Organizational structure of the Sixth Constitutional Government, the Ministry of Health is the central organ of the Government responsible for design, implementation, coordination and evaluation of policy, defined and adopted by the Council of Ministers, for the areas of health and pharmaceutical activities.

The objective of this diploma is to absorb the changes made in the structure of Government and improve the structure of the Ministry and its operation in order to better respond to the challenges faced by this sector, both in the improvement of public services in health, and in the creation of legal and institutional conditions for a greater involvement of the private sector.

5. Decree-Law approving the extinction of the Autonomous Service of Medicines and Health Equipment, E.P. (SAMES)

This Decree-Law extinguishes the Autonomous Service of Medicines and Health Equipment, Public Company (SAMES) and appoints its liquidation committee.

SAMES, E.P., created some 10 years ago, has revealed difficulties in fulfilling its tasks as a public company, both in relation to the entities of the National Health Service, and in relation to the entities of the National Health System as a whole.

6. Decree-Law approving the creation of the Autonomous Service of Medicines and Health Equipment, I.P. (SAMES)

This Decree creates and approves the Constitution of the Autonomous Service of Medicines and Health Equipment, as a public institute, with legal personality with administrative, financial and patrimonial autonomy, operating under the tutelage and supervision of the Ministry of Health.

This service has the responsibility to ensure the procurement and logistics of pharmaceutical products and medical equipment for the National Health Service.

7. Government Resolution approving the allocation of land to the Holy See

This diploma transfers land surface rights to the Holy See, on the land adjacent to the Church of Motael, in Díli, and revokes the Government Resolution allocating the land to the nuntiature.

8. Government Resolution approving the financial aid to the victims of the earthquake in Nepal

The Council of Ministers approved a donation in the amount of $500,000 (five hundred thousand dollars) to support the victims of the earthquake that hit Nepal this weekend, having caused more than 3,000 deaths and an undetermined number of displaced persons who require urgent humanitarian assistance, with no possibility at this time to assess the real extent of the damage.

The Council of Ministers expressed their regret at the situation experienced by the people of Nepal.


The Council of Ministers examined:

1. Presentation of the proposed activities for the celebration of the national holidays and the 500 years of the affirmation of the new Timorese identity

On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the celebrations that will take place during this year, the Minister of State Administration, submitted to the Council of Ministers the update on the preparations underway. It was proposed the establishment of working groups to ensure the success of the goals for the celebrations that will take place throughout the country, on different and significant days for the Nation, with its high point on November 28th, the Day of the Proclamation of Independence, to be held in Oe-Cusse, Ambeno, which coincides with the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the arrival of Portuguese navigators to Lifau, Oe-Cusse, Ambeno.
