Fri. 20 of December of 2024, 15:54h Government and ADB sign a grant agreement to improve Rural Resilience and Quality of Life On December 18th 2024, the 9th Constitutional Government, represented by Minister of Finance Santina Cardoso, signed a Grant Note with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to finance a project aimed at strengthening rural resilience and improving the quality of life in the Municipality of ...more
Fri. 20 of December of 2024, 14:51h Groundbreaking ceremony for the new RTTL, EP building On December 19th 2024, the groundbreaking ceremony for the new Radio and Television of Timor-Leste (RTTL, EP) building took place. The event was attended by the Prime Minister, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, the Secretary of State for Social Communication, Expedito Dias Ximenes, and the President of ...more
Fri. 20 of December of 2024, 10:51h Minister for the Presidency of the Council of Ministers swears in new commissioner of the Civil Service Commission available ...more
Tue. 17 of December of 2024, 15:07h Timor-Leste Advocates for Small Island States' Rights at the International Court Amidst Climate Change Timor-Leste shared (12/12) its perspective as a Small Island Developing State (SIDS) and Least Developed Country (LDC) alongside 100 other States presenting submissions before the International Court of Justice (ICJ), in the Hague, in the Netherlands, on its landmark Advisory Opinion on the ...more
Tue. 17 of December of 2024, 14:24h The Ministry of Justice receives 8,000 more passport books to strengthen service to citizens On Friday, December 13th, 2024, the Ministry of Justice, through the General Directorate of Registry and Notary Services (DGSRN), received another shipment of 8,000 ordinary passport books. The arrival of these booklets represents a significant reinforcement in the passport issuing ...more
Fri. 13 of December of 2024, 16:33h ASEAN's Future Leader Programme Attracts Over 470 Young People for Second Edition The second edition of the Futuru Líder ba ASEAN - Future Leaders for ASEAN (FLBA) programme received more than 470 applications. The interview process, which has already begun, will run until the end of December 2024 to select the group of 100 future leaders who will start the programme in ...more
Fri. 13 of December of 2024, 12:19h Government and TIMOR GAP sign Memorandum of Understanding concerning potential development of Chuditch PSC gas resources The Government, represented by the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 12 December 2024 with the public company TIMOR GAP, E.P. (parent to TIMOR GAP Chuditch Unipessoal Lda - Joint Venture (JV) partner in the TL-SO-19-16 Production Sharing ...more
Fri. 13 of December of 2024, 11:30h Strategic investment in Laleia to boost the fishing sector and create jobs On December 6th, 2024, the Vice-Prime Minister, Coordinating Minister for Social Affairs and Minister for Rural Development and Community Housing, Mariano Assanami Sabino, representing the Head of Government, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, led the groundbreaking ceremony for the ...more