- 25 of August of 2021Government Resolution No. 112 / 2021 of 25 Augusthome confinement of the population of the administrative posts of ermera and railaco of the municipality of ermera, except people who are vaccinated348.84 KB
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- 12 of August of 2021Speech by Minister Fidelis Leite Magalhaes, at the closing of the CNE Conference “Evolution of Democracy in Timor-Leste”CNE, Dili, 12 August 2021
300.65 KB - 11 of August of 2021
- 04 of August of 2021
- 30 of July of 2021Capacity support for the journey toward accessions to the ASEAN Economic CommunityJuly 30, 2021, MNEC and MTCI, with support from the ADB2501.7 KB
- 28 of July of 2021Government Decree n. 19/2021 of July 28Government Decree of the measures for implementing the Declaration of the State of Emergency, made by Decree of the President of the Republic No. 56/2021, of June 27302.63 KB
- 27 of July of 2021Decree of the President of the Republic nº. 56/2021 of July 27Renewal of declaration of state of emergency - August 1st to August 30th290.47 KB