- 12 of July of 2021Model of document proving complete vaccination against COVID-19MINISTRY OF HEALTH: Ministerial Diploma No. 40/2021 of 12 July approving the model of the document proving complete vaccination against COVID-191053.01 KB
- 09 of July of 2021Ministry of Interior: Dispatch No. 084/MI/VII/2021 regarding the temporary closure of land border postsMinistry of Interior: Dispatch No. 084/MI/VII/2021 regarding the temporary closure of land border posts975.76 KB
- 08 of July of 2021Order N. 04/MCAE/MTCI/MAP/VII/2021Extension of the period for distribution of the basic food basket (Cesta Básica)242.32 KB
- 08 of July of 2021Government Resolutions No. 94/2021 of july 1Maintaining the imposition of a sanitary fence in the municipality of Dili11843.83 KB
- 01 of July of 2021Government Decree n. 18/2021 of July 1Government Decree of the measures for implementing the Declaration of the State of Emergency, made by Decree of the President of the Republic No. 39/2021, of June 30293.33 KB
- 01 of July of 2021Decree of the President of the Republic nº. 39/2021 of June 30Renewal of declaration of state of emergency - July 2nd to July 31st357.79 KB
- 30 of June of 2021Speech in Parliamentary Debate on the Request for Renewal of the 15th State of Emergencyjune 30, 2021379.93 KB
- 23 of June of 2021Government Resolutions No. 87 and No. 88/2021 of 23 Junemaintaining the imposition of a sanitary fence in the municipalities of Dili and Baucau477.41 KB
- 22 of June of 2021Decree-Law No. 7/2021 of 22 JuneApproving Public Support to Be Granted by the State to Victims of Serious Accidents or Disasters471.94 KB
- 17 of June of 2021Order No. 35/2021 of the Superior Council for the Judiciary5Normal activity at the Court of Appeal and the Dili District Court resumes.301.28 KB