Meeting of the Council of Ministers of the 15th of September of 2010





Meeting of the Council of Ministers, September 15, 2010

The Council of Ministers met this Wednesday, September 15, 2010, in its Meeting Room at the Government Palace in Díli and approved:

1. Resolution that approves the Acquisition of Heavy Equipment for the Institute of Equipment Management

After analysing several proposals from national and international companies for the acquisition of heavy equipment (fundamental for the recovery from damages caused by the heavy rains that occurred in the country), the Council of Ministers approved the award of contract, for the buying of the necessary equipment for the Institute of Equipment Management, to the company Bravo International.

The opening of the tender procedure was approved by the Council of Ministers, at the meeting of 16th March last, in order to allow this acquisition by private contract, and which the value is over three million dollars.

It is reminded that the Institute for Equipment Management is the State’s service that manages equipment which is state property, destined preferentially for civil construction works, namely the reconstruction of roads and bridges and other necessary works, due to damages by natural disasters.

2. Decree-Law that approves the structure of the Ministry of Education

This diploma, approved with corrections, has the objective of readapting the organizational structure of the Ministry of Education in order to better respond to the needs of the educational system determined by planning and the legal framework.

The current educational system establishes the creation of four General Directorates, structures that group the existing National Directorates within the main Education sectors. The Regional Directorates are explained as structures decisive for the implementation of Educational Policies and the District Directorates as execution and operational units for educational measures.

Thus, the Ministry of Education becomes endowed with a dynamic and functional structure, with greater territorial coverage and a better definition of its different central, regional and district services, to better respond to the Schools’ needs and the responsibilities imposed by law.

3. Decree-Law that approves the Constitution of the General Labour Inspectorate

The enlargement of the economic sectors in Timor-Leste has been causing the need for the creation and strengthening of the government institutions that have, as their mission, to guarantee law enforcement.

For the Labour sector, the National Directorate for Labour Inspection (NDLI) has promoted the inspection and awareness of Employers and Workers, integrated in the Secretariat of State for Professional Training and Employment (SEPTE). However, so that NDLI services may be given with a wider coverage and in conformity with International Work Standards, it is necessary to establish a specific Status that regulates activities for inspection, audit and supervision, of information and counselling, processing and penalty regime, as well as the career scheme for Work Inspectors.

Thus, the present constitution (approved with amendments by the Council of Ministers) creates the General Labour Inspectorate (GLI). The main objective of this diploma is to perfect and strengthen the Work Inspection services in the whole country, preparing it to face and surpass the existing challenges in an economically and socially developed Rule of Law, as is intended for Timor-Leste.

Also analyzed by the Council of Ministers were:

1. Presentation of the proposal for a Pension Fund and Retirement Plan for Timor-Leste

With the objective of implementing the best Pension and Retirement Plan for the country, the Government has requested the presentation of a proposal to the Industry Funds Management. The Plan presented by this Australian specialized company foresees attributing a universal pension in Timor-Leste, including workers from the private sector.

In general, the principles over which this proposal is based are the following: the pension funds must be guaranteed by the employer; pension attribution is individual, or, in other words, there must be a guarantee that each contributor receives his/her pension; the investment strategy must be diversified; a unique/singular scheme must be adopted; there must be competition between various pension fund managers to avoid a possible monopoly; and finally, the presented proposal intends to guarantee a rigorous and transparent governance.
