Meeting of the Council of Ministers of the 1st of September of 2010





Meeting of the Council of Ministers of the 1st of September of 2010

The Council of Ministers met this Wednesday, 1st of September of 2010, in its meeting room, in the Government Palace, in Díli, and analysed:

1. Strategic Framework for Rural Development

The Strategic Framework for Rural Development offers a global vision, focused on rural communities. The objective of this document is to reinforce the Portfolio of the governmental policies that serve as reference for the Government’s future interventions in rural development and its different partners. This work provides a platform to the Government, through the Interministerial Commission for the Rural Development, to coordinate rural development at a national level and simultaneously harmonize donor activities in accordance with the national objectives.

It is highlighted that 75% of the Timor-Leste population is classified as inhabitant in rural areas.

2. Legal Jurisdiction for Civil Construction Company and Businessmen Certification

These diplomas intend to regulate the activity of the civil construction sector, including the technical provisions regarding certification, registry and record civil construction commercial companies that carry out their activities in Timor-Leste.

The document also highlights the exclusive competence of the Ministry of Infrastructures as the sole entity for the certification, control and inspection procedure of the civil construction sector’s activities.

3. Decree-Law that approves the first alteration to the Ministry of Education’s Organic Law

Decree-Law 2/2008, of the 16th January, provided the Ministry of Education with the necessary organizational structure for the development of the IV Constitutional Government’s first policies in the matter of Education and Culture.

Since then, the Ministry of Education has defined a medium to long term strategic planning for the preparation of a legal framework that responds to the necessary demands, and thus it is important to readapt the Ministry of Education’s organizational structure.

Thus, to respond to the challenges of developing an educational and learning system with quality, centred on educational achievement and excellence of the teaching and learning model, th Ministry of Education must endow itself with a functional and dynamic structure, with larger territorial scope and a better definition of its different central, regional and district services, to better respond to the School’s needs and the responsibilities imposed by the already approved legislation.
