Meeting of the Council of Ministers on November 15th, 2023

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Spokesperson of the Government of Timor-Leste
Ninth Constitutional Government


Press Release

Meeting of the Council of Ministers on November 15th, 2023

The Council of Ministers met at the Government Palace in Dili and approved the draft Government Resolution, presented by the Prime Minister, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, for the appointment of José Telo Soares Cristovão, Maria Domingas Alves and Agostinho Letêncio de Deus, to serve a five-year term, on a full-time basis, as Civil Service Commissioners. The Council of Ministers also decided to appoint Agostinho Letêncio de Deus as President of the Civil Service Commission.



The Council of Ministers also approved the draft Government Decree, presented by the Minister of Finance, Santina José Rodrigues F. Viegas Cardoso, for the second amendment to Government Decree no. 19/2022, of May 11th, regarding budget classifiers.

This Government Decree was amended by Government Decree no. 11/2023, of October 25th; however, as part of the process of preparing the 2024 General State Budget Law Proposal, the need to make an additional amendment to the economic classification of expenditure was identified, to increase the detail and transparency of public accounts. END
