Timor Sea Cup Tournament - Soccer Team from Timor-Leste (Díli), Australia (Northern Territory) and Indonesia (Kupan)

From 29 Apr until 02 May

The Secretary of State for Youth and Sports and the Football Federation of Timor-Leste (FFET) organize the tournament of the Timor Sea Cup, with the aim of promoting the development of football in Timor-Leste and strengthen human relations between the three nations participants.
The tournament takes place from April 29 to May 2, 2010, at Díli Municipal Stadium, with the following schedule:
29 April 2010 Thursday, 15:15 p.m.: Kupan vs Díli
30 April 2010 (Friday), 15:15 p.m.: Darwin vs Kupan
2 May 2010 (Sunday, 15:15 p.m.: Díli vs Darwin
