Council of Ministers Meeting of 28th March 2018

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Seventh Constitutional Government


Press Release

Council of Ministers Meeting of 28th March 2018

The Government met in the Government Palace, in Dili, and approved the proposal for a Decree Law regarding the statute of the Murak-Rai Timor S.A. company, presented by the Minister of State and Minister for Mineral Resources, Mariano Assanami Sabino. Murak-Rai Timor, with a fully state-owned share capital, will be engaged in mining activities, including surveying, research, evaluation, development, exploitation and treatment, processing, refining and trading of mineral resources. The company will enable the State to operate in the mining sector, nationally and abroad, in equal circumstances with other private sector companies, assuring the mineral resources sector development, one of the main sources of national income, as well as increasing national citizens’ employability.

The Vice Minister for Development of Transport and Communications, Inácio Freitas Moreira, presented a proposal for a Decree-Law regarding the establishment of standards in the civil aviation security field, in order to protect civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference that may jeopardize civil aviation safety, in accordance with Annex 17 of the Chicago Convention on International Aviation, ratified by the Timorese State in 2004, through Parliament Resolution.12/2004, of 9 December. This legislative proposal was approved by the Ministers Council, with adjustments foreseeing the coordination between the Civil Aviation Authority and the responsible entity for Oé-cusse Ambeno Special Administrative Region (RAEOA) airport management. ENDS
