Meeting of the Council of Ministers from April 8th, 2015

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Sixth Constitutional Government


Dili, Aprilh 8th, 2015

Press Release

Meeting of the Council of Ministers from April 8th, 2015

The Council of Ministers met this Wednesday, April 8th, 2015, in the Council of Ministers’ Meeting Room, at the Government Palace, in Díli, and approved six diplomas:

1. Law Proposal on Local Power and Administrative Decentralization   

A Law Proposal on this subject was approved by the Fifth Constitutional Government, at the meeting of the Council of Ministers from January 13th, 2014, and sent to the National Parliament for discussion and voting. The proposal was not endorsed by the National Parliament, and once a new Government has been sworn-in, in accordance to the Constitution, a new proposal shall be approved by the Sixth Government.

This Law Proposal, it is important to remember, sets the organization, composition and competences of the Local Government bodies, as well as the legal framework for the administrative decentralization of the State.

2. Law Proposal approving the first amendment to the Law on the Administrative Division of the Territory

Just as with the previous one, also a Law Proposal on this subject has been approved by the Fifth Constitutional Government, at the same meeting of the Council of Ministers from January 13th, 2014, and sent to the National Parliament for assessment and voting. With the swearing-in of the new Government, and for not having this diploma been assessed by the National Parliament, in accordance with the Constitution, a new proposal shall be approved by the Sixth Government.

Therefore, the Council of Ministers has approved this Law Proposal, which, by preserving the administrative division of the territory into the already foreseen thirteen municipalities, reintroduces the sub-municipal administrative circumscriptions, existing until the entry into force of Law n. 11/2009, from October 7th (Administrative Division of the Territory), but under the name of Administrative Posts.

3. Law Proposal on the Electoral Census

This diploma aims to ensure the establishment of the electoral census, in accordance with the Constitution, and is able to act as a solid and reliable base for the processes of choice of the holders of sovereign bodies and Local Power representative bodies.

4. Municipal Electoral Law Proposal

This diploma regulates the elections of municipal holders (Municipality President and members of the Municipal Assembly), in accordance with the Constitution and obeying the country’s characteristics.

5. Law Proposal approving the first amendment to the Law on Political Parties

The Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste establishes the right to every citizen to constitute and take part in political parties, by subjecting the due establishment and organization to the terms being set by Law of the National Parliament.

The law on political parties has established the foundations for the establishment, operation and financing of political parties. However, the consolidation of the democratic regime justifies the revision of this Law, aiming to ensure a best demanding on its training process and funding mechanisms, thus according to some international practice.

6. Decree Law approving the establishment of the Council for Definite Delimitation of Maritime Boundaries

This Decree-Law sets the institutional framework in order to reach the definite delimitation of maritime boundaries for Timor-Leste, a goal desired by the People, for it is essential to the complete exercise of sovereign rights and territorial jurisdiction, in accordance with the international law.

It is established the Council for Permanent Delimitation of Maritime Boundaries, an initiative which was, actually, supported by the National Parliament, in 2014, through Resolution.

The historical circumstances related with the Indonesian occupation period, and the temporary agreements, have been delaying the negotiation process on permanent delimitation of the maritime boundaries of Timor-Leste, which will certainly have a major social, political and economic impact to  the People of Timor-Leste.

According to the Constitution, the preparation and negotiation of international agreements is a competence of the Government, and, in accordance with Law n. 6/2010, from May 12th (related to international treaties), it can specifically delegate competences on other government bodies, in order to negotiate international treaties, which, on this specific case, demands a complete intervention from the Government, significant resources and the recruitment of specialized support.
