Prime Minister inaugurates potable water system in Mausoi VillageThe Prime Minister, Dr. Rui Maria de Araújo, inaugurated the pipeline system for drinking water to the homes of Aldeia de Mausoi, in Tíbar Juice, Administrative Post of Bazartete, Municipality of Liquiçá, on March 11, 2017.
The drinking water distribution system was inaugurated by the Chief Executive and was supported by the Government through the Office of the Minister of Social Solidarity and the Timor-Leste Red Cross (CVTL), in addition to community contributions in cash, In an effort to channel water to their homes. This system will benefit more than 60 families in this village.
The Prime Minister congratulated the community and also the Timor-Leste Red Cross, one of the Government's partners, who set a great example here, in a spirit of volunteerism.
The Head of Government asked the inhabitants to use the water carefully, and the community leaders to mobilize the population to plant trees in order to hold the land around the spring.
Present at this ceremony were the President of CVTL, the Administrator of the Administrative Post of Bazartete, the Police Commander, Elders and members of that Mausoi Village.