Minister Verónica das Dores attends the CPLP Labour and Social Affairs Ministers' Meeting

The Minister of Social Solidarity and Inclusion, Verónica das Dores, took part in the First Extraordinary Meeting of Ministers of Labour and Social Affairs of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP), held on April 19th, 2024, at the CPLP Headquarters in Lisbon.
The Extraordinary Meeting's aim was to follow up on the deliberations of the 15th Ordinary Meeting of Ministers of Labour and Social Affairs, held in May 2023 in Benguela, Angola. Various topics relevant to cooperation between CPLP member states in labour and social affairs were discussed during the meeting.
Highlighting the joint commitment to “achieving a high level of human development, in equality and sustainability”, Minister Verónica das Dores emphasised Timor-Leste's efforts to combat child labour and implement social protection programmes, such as the conditional Bolsa da Mãe (Mother’s Allowance) Programme.
The Minister said that Timor-Leste is committed to “finalising the processes that will allow it [the CPLP Multilateral Social Security Convention] to enter into force as soon as possible”, an instrument that she considered “of enormous relevance”.
Verónica das Dores explained the evolution of the national social security system, established seven years ago, which is fundamental in guaranteeing protection for workers and their families. She pledged to “continue working to improve these indicators and, above all, to ensure that Social Security reaches all workers, even those in the informal sector”.
The minister stressed that “the mobility agreement, which our countries have approved, allows for greater labour mobility within the CPLP, which is fundamental for citizenship and our economies”, but “workers and families mustn't lose social protection because they live and work in another country”.
He ended his speech “with a word of thanks to all the sister countries of the CPLP for their constant support, and from the very first moment, for Timor-Leste and the consolidation of Decent Work and Social Security”.