Vice Minister of Interior meets with Foin Sa'e (Youth) Parliament team

On March 13th, 2023, the Vice Minister of Interior, António Armindo, accompanied by the Inspector of the Inspection and Audit Office, Benvida Freitas, the Director-General of Administration and Finance, Mariano de Araújo, and former Commissioner Julio Hornai, held a meeting with members of the Foin Sa'e Parliament (Youth Parliament) to discuss recommendations on the importance of inter-ministerial coordination and awareness of current legislation in Timor-Leste related to domestic and other forms of violence.
Recommendations presented by the Foin Sa'e Parliament team included the suggestion to increase joint work and coordination between the Ministry of Interior and other entities, namely with local authorities, including the National Police of Timor-Leste, in raising awareness in the communities about legislation related to domestic violence.
A joint work between this Ministry and the Secretary of State for Youth and Sports and with the Regulating Commission for Martial Arts (CRAM) was also requested to have stricter regulation for this activity and to regulate the existence of groups that may create instability within the communities.
Also, regarding martial arts, the youth called for greater coordination with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and development partners to train teachers in applying non-violent educational methods.
The Vice Minister of Interior thanked the Foin Sa'e Parliament team for their recommendations and pledged to work with the various partners, including UN Women, to promote awareness on issues related to women and children.
The Vice Minister also reminded that through the National Directorate of Community Conflict Prevention, the Civil Protection Authority regularly conducts awareness-raising activities in schools across the country on issues related to domestic violence, gender-based violence and the implementation of Resolution 1325. In addition, the National Traffic Police also disseminates traffic and other laws in schools nationwide.