"The National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP) is like the Bible for the State Building"

The Prime-Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, accompanied by the Minister for Education, João Câncio, Vice-Minister for Economy and Development, Cristiano da Costa and the Secretary of state for Defence, Júlio Tomás Pinto, undertook the seventh day of the national consultation on the National Strategic Plan for Development (NSPD), with the people of Baucau sub-district, Baucau District.
In his intervention at the consultation, the Prime-Minister stated: “the book on the National Strategic Plan for Development is the Bible for State building. After the national consultation in all of Timor-Leste’s territory, the Government will consult the National Parliament for its approval, and thus, any Government that may arrive later can continue with the plan”.
Such strategies are based on a strategic necessity for the future so that Timor-Leste may find harmony in the region and maximize its resource management to increase long-term benefits such as infrastructure, education, health, employment and the evolution of the public and private sector.
On the demands of the population in Baucau sub-district, regarding potable water, roads, schools, hospitals, electricity, bridges and the information about corruption in all Ministries, the Prime-Minister explained: “it is said in the National Strategic Plan for Development that, from 2010 to 2030, from Tutuala to Fatumea, from Ataúro to Same and Oecussi, there cannot be one family that lives in a house with no conditions. It is also defined in the NSPD that basic services such as potable water, electricity and roads must have minimum conditions because if these do not exist, governance is worthless”.
In front of the population of Baucau sub-district, the Prime-Minister stated that Timor-Leste is a Democratic State so it is normal to have difference of ideas and it is time to leave violence and enter nation building.