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    23 of November of 2011
    Annotated Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste
    The Annotated Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste is a collective work, coordinated by Prof. Pedro Bacelar de Vasconcelos. The authors analyse each article relating it with the national and international legislation making reference also to case law.
    Only portuguese version.
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    07 of July of 2011
    SDP – Timor-Leste Strategic Development Plan
    The Government submitted to the National Parliament the Strategic Development Plan (SDP).
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    30 of December of 2010
    Aid-Memoire - Report 2010
    Report of the periodic publication of the State Secretariat of the Council of Ministers. Summary of the activity of SoSCM and the work of the Council of Ministers.
    Only available in portuguese.
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    13 of Outubro of 2010
    g7+ Consensus Statement in New York
    g7+ Consensus Statement the g7+ Summit of Heads of State, in New York, on 20 September 2010
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    23 of April of 2010
    Summary of the Strategic Development Plan – Timor-Leste – 2011-2030
    The Strategic Development Plan (SDP) described in this document defines a path to implement the national strategy during the period 2010 to 2030. The Strategic Development Plan consists of seven sections: (I) Introduction; (II) Vision of the Timor‐Leste Economy in 2030; (III) Framework of Action to 2020; (IV) Public Investment Plan to 2015; (V) Public Financing to 2015; (VI) Macroeconomic Framework; and (VII) Institutional Framework.
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    14 of April of 2010
    Díli Declaration
    The Díli Declaration is the result of the Díli International Dialogue and g7+ meeting.
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    07 of April of 2010
    TLDPM Background Paper
    This Background Paper is divided into four sections:
    a) The first section provides background information on the past 10 years for contextual reference;
    b) The second reviews the annual National Priorities Process, the platform for planning and coordination constructed and initiated at a time when flexibility and the immediacy of response was a priority;
    c) The third section highlights the economic and social developments that have been achieved within the context of the National Priorities set in coordination with Timor-Leste’s international partners;
    d) The fourth and last section describes the Government’s National Priorities for 2010 and those policies which will lead to successful outcomes.
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    30 of March of 2010
    Aid-Memoire - Report 2009
    Report of the periodic publication of the State Secretariat of the Council of Ministers. Summary of the activity of SoSCM and the work of the Council of Ministers.
    Only available in portuguese.
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    30 of March of 2010
    Petroleum Fund Annual Report 2005-06
    Report on the performance of the Petroleum Fund and Delloite's certification.
    National Directorate of the Petroleum Fund, Ministry of Finance, April 2007.
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    30 of March of 2010
    Petroleum Fund Annual Report 2006-07
    Report on the performance of the Petroleum Fund and Delloite's certification.
    National Directorate of the Petroleum Fund, Ministry of Finance, December 2007.
    Portuguese version.
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