Media Releases
- 07 of June of 2023Meeting of the Council of Ministers on June 7th, 2023The Prime Minister, Taur Matan Ruak, summoned all members of the Government this Wednesday for the last Council of Ministers meeting of the 8th Constitutional Government.more
- 31 of May of 2023Meeting of the Council of Ministers on May 31st, 2023Approved:more
1 - procurement procedure - Rehabilitation of Municipal Roads, Package II - Maliana City Section Phase 1 (ICB/087/MOP-2022);
2 - expenditure for the hiring of a Project Management Consultancy for the Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Dili (West Dili);
3 - expenditure for the start of the procurement procedure and subsequent formalisation of the public contract for the execution of the work of modernisation of the water supply and sanitation systems in the cities of Lospalos, Viqueque and Same. - 18 of May of 2023Meeting of the Council of Ministers on May 17th, 2023Approved:more
1 - Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the Government of the State of Kuwait on the Establishment of the Joint Committee, intending to develop bilateral relations between the said countries;
2 - Authorized Weight Regime for Transport Vehicles;
3 - second amendment to Government Decree no. 2/2015, of January 14th, which approves academic allowances, leadership bonuses and extraordinary supplements of the teaching staff of the National University of Timor-Leste (UNTL). - 10 of May of 2023Meeting of the Council of Ministers on May 10th, 2023Approvedmore
1 - monetary amounts for compensation for land use resulting from the implementation of the construction project of the Betano Polytechnic Institute facilities, in Manufahi;
2 - first amendment to Government Resolution No. 36/2022, of December 28th, on the appointment of members of the General Council of the National University of Timor-Leste (UNTL);
3 - second amendment to the financial Contribution Agreement for the sustainable development goals between the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the United States of America, through the USAID agency, signed on May 18th, 2021;
4 - eighth amendment to the financial Contribution Agreement for the sustainable development goals between the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the United States of America, through the USAID agency, signed on March 27th, 2014;
5 - This amendment intends to revise the agreement’s expiration date from September 30th, 2023, to September 30th, 2025, to allow for the completion of activities financed by the financial contribution.
6 - expenses for starting the procurement procedures and subsequent formalisation of the public works contract for the construction of the Soibada-Soibada Vila Road (9,791 kms), in the Municipality of Manatuto;
7 - expenses for starting the procurement procedure and subsequent formalisation of the public works contract for the construction of the water supply in Baucau city;
8 - expenses for the construction of the road between Laclúbar junction - Laclúbar, in the municipality of Manatuto;
1 - 8th Constitutional Government Mandate Report. - 03 of May of 2023Meeting of the Council of Ministers on May 3rd, 2023Approved:more
1 - first amendment to the Statutes of the National Commission for Trade Facilitation (CONFAC);
2 - Municipal Land Management Plans (PMOT) of Bobonaro and Ermera;
3 - 2023-2028 Readjusted Strategic Development Plan. - 27 of April of 2023Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers on April 27th, 2023Approved:more
1 - National Secretariat for Accession to the World Trade Organization;
2 - authorise expenses for the transfer of funds from the General State Budget, Program "401 Management of Petroleum and Mineral Resources" from the Ministry of Petroleum and Minerals (MPM), to the public company TIMOR GAP, E.P., in the amount of US$ 54 million; and
3 - procurement procedures OCB/001/MTC-2022 and RFP/066/MTC-2022, concerning, respectively, the design and construction of the runway, taxiway, control tower, and aircraft parking area of the Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport, and the project management of the Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport Development Project. - 26 of April of 2023Meeting of the Council of Ministers on April 26th, 2023Approved:more
1 - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) National Commission of Timor-Leste;
2 - Protection Measures for Timorese Citizens Abroad;
3 - exceptional procedure for military recruitment;
4 - expenditure in the amount of US$ 21.1 million for the acquisition of shares of Timor Telecom, S.A., and credits thereon, from TPT - Telecomunicações Públicas de Timor, S.A., PT Participated, SGPS, S.A., and Portugal Telecom International Finance BV.
1 - state of play of the full accession process of Timor-Leste in ASEAN.