Meeting of the Council of Ministers of March 25th, 2014

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

V Constitutional Government


Díli, March 25, 2014

Press Release

Meeting of the Council of Ministers of March 25th, 2014

The Government gathered this Tuesday, March 25th, 2014, in the Council of Ministers’ meeting room, at the Government Palace, in Díli, and approved:

1. Government’s Decree, approving the Award of a Special Grant for the Preparation Commission of the CPLP’s Summit

The members incorporating the Preparation Commission of the CPLP’s Summit may receive a financial compensation for their work, once they will have to accumulate their normal work with the one of the Commission, which, shall be recalled, has the aim of planning and coordinating all the arrangements for the Summit which will occur in July (Government’s Resolution n. 4/2014, of February 18th). Foreigners incorporating the Commission, coming from CPLP’s Countries, are due to be provided with appropriate accommodation as well as food, during the months in which, due to this work, they will have to remain in Timor-Leste.

2. Decree Law which Regulates Sport Clubs and Sport Societies in Timor-Leste

The major objectives of this diploma are to carry on with the regulation process of the entities that comprise the Sport Movement and facilitate the establishment and development of Sport Clubs and Sport Societies across the country.

It sets the possibility of, together with the Sport Clubs of the general regime, to create Sport Clubs of simplified regime, in order to allow small sports associations, when not participating in professional competitions, to constitute themselves as Sport Clubs of simplified regime, in order to develop their activities appropriately, according to the regulations and with the support of the State.

It also creates conditions to encourage private sector participation in the establishment and development of the National Sport Clubs and the possibility of establishing in the future, by law, a system of deductions and tax incentives for national and international private companies to support the creation and development of Sports Clubs in Timor-Leste.

3. Government Resolution approving Conducting tests on Public Finance

The Ministry of Finance will conduct a national test exam to staff, officers and directors with expertise in public finance, including finance and administration, planning and budgeting, procurement and public contracting, property management and logistics.

This test will enable the competent public authorities, including the authorities and bodies of Direct and Indirect Administration of the State and the Civil Service Commission, to improve the integrated management of human resources, determining future training needs.

4. Draft Law on General Census of the Population and Housing

The General Census of Population and the General Housing Census, conducted in 2004 and 2010 respectively, have as main goals the counting and characterization of resident population in Timor-Leste, as well as a survey of the existent housing and its living conditions through a comprehensive collection of information and data, held by the investigation and statistical processing operations.

This diploma normatively frames periodic census, determining the entities responsible for its implementation the procedures for funding and mechanisms to ensure the protection of confidentiality of the information collected.

5. Government Resolution approving the Administrative Structure for the General Census of Population and Housing

This diploma establishes the administrative structures responsible for the future Census of Population and Housing in 2015, and the rules that should govern the pilot Census 2014, for the purposes of the Census, the following year.

6. Draft Law on Forestry Management

Forest is a very important sector of the economy of Timor-Leste, especially for rural areas but also for the urban ones. This law establishes the basic principles and rules for the management of forest resources of the country with the aim of ensuring sustainable management and achieving a balance between conservation and rehabilitation of forest resources and the increasing of its production capacity.

The Council of Ministers also analysed:

1. Opinion survey in Timor-Leste

 The International Republican Institute submitted to the Council of Ministers the result of an opinion poll conducted in Timor-Leste on economic, social and political situation of the country. This face to face survey was conducted ​​in 13 districts between September and October 2013, to fifteen hundred adults over 17 years of age. No government officials, members of political, military or police were included. The results were analyzed according to international standards of methodologies for market and social research.

2. Audit Report to UNTL

The Council of Ministers heard about the outcome of the audit to non-tax revenue of the National University of Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL), for the years of 2011 and 2012.
