National Mourning in Honour of Nelson Mandela

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

V Constitutional Government


Dili, December 10th 2013

Press Release

National Mourning in Honour of Nelson Mandela

The Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, in its meeting of the Council of Ministers, on the 10th December 2013, has declared a National Mourning in all of the National territory, as a sign of sympathy for the death of the Former President of South Africa and Nobel Prize for Peace, Mr. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela. The period of National Mourning begins at 00.00h of the 11th December and ends at 24.00h of the 13th December.

During this period of National Mourning the National Flag must be hoisted at half-mast or half halyard, in all public buildings, including embassies, consulates and other representations of the State abroad, as well as in State vessels.
