2010 Census Results: Timor-Leste’s population grows slower than projected

On 20 October, the World Day of Statistics, President José Ramos-Horta officially launched the preliminary results of the 2010 Population and Housing Census. In the presence of the Prime Minister, several Ministers and Secretaries of State, the UNFPA Country Representative, national and international development partners, diplomats and a massive media crowd, Ramos-Horta announced that the total population of Timor-Leste is 1,066,582.
This number represents a 2.41 per cent annual population growth since the last census was undertaken, in 2004. The growth has been significantly slower than what was projected back in 2004 (3.2% per year) but is still the highest in the Southeast Asia and Pacific region.
Another noteworthy finding among the preliminary census results is that the population of the district of Dili has grown by a third, from 175,730 to 241,331, since 2004. Nevertheless, an overwhelming majority, 70.4%, of the Timorese people still lives in rural areas.
Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão particularly stressed the importance of the census results for the National Strategic Development Plan, “and the polices that will develop this country. When we plan for the next 20 years of our people, we have to know how many we are, who we are, where we live and how we presently live, what we are doing for a living, what crops we are growing and how educated we are. Only then is it possible to choose sensible priorities and make realistic plans. Thanks to the generous cooperation of everyone living here, now we will be able to do exactly that, and believe me: we will!”, he said at the function.
A more detailed census report, with information about a wide range of demographic and socioeconomic indicators, is due in April 2011.
Preliminary results of the 2010 Population and Housing Census – highlights
Total population: 1,066,582/ (in 2004: 923,198)
Increase since 2004: 15.5% (143,384 people)
Annual population growth rate: 2.41%
Men: 541,147
Women: 525,435
Population of Díli district: 234,331 (an increase of 33.3% since 2004)
Three most populated districts: Díli, Baucau and Ermera (43% of the population)
Three least populated districts: Manatuto, Aileu, Manufahi (13% of the population)
Sex ratio: 103 (For every 100 women in Timor-Leste, there are 103 men).
Average household size: 5.8
Proportion of the population living in rural areas: 70.4%
Average number of people living in each square km (Population density): 71.5
Time it will take for the population to double (with the current growth rate): 29 years
Approximate number of people who have worked for the census project: 4,100
Population per district in 2004 and 2010
2004 |
2010 |
Aileu |
37,967 |
45,512 |
Ainaro |
52480 |
59,382 |
Baucau |
100,748 |
111,484 |
Bobonaro |
83,579 |
89,787 |
Covalima |
53,063 |
60,063 |
Díli |
175,730 |
234,331 |
Ermera |
103,322 |
114,635 |
Lautem |
56,293 |
60,218 |
Liquica |
54,973 |
63,329 |
Manatuto |
36,897 |
43,246 |
Manufahi |
45,081 |
48,894 |
Oecusse |
57,616 |
65,524 |
Viqueque |
65,449 |
70,177 |
Total |
923,198 |
1,066,582 |
Urban centers with the highest population:
Díli: 193,563
Baucau: 20,362
Maliana: 15,800
Most populated sub-districts:
Dom Aleixo (Díli): 105,328 (roughly 10% of the population)
Cristo Rei (Díli): 55,195
Baucau: 46,530
Pante Macasar (Oe-cusse Ambeno): 35,159
Vera Cruz (Díli): 34,085
Least populated sub-districts:
Fatululic (Covalima): 1,894
Soibada (Manatuto): 3,051
Laleia (Manatuto): 3,470
Fatumean (Covalima): 3,667
Tutuala (Lautem): 3,847