Measures Relating to the Measures Relating to Private Economic Initiative during the State of Emergency

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Eighth Constitutional Government


March 28, 2020

Press Release

State of Emergency

Measures Relating to Private Economic Initiative

In view of the declaration of a state of emergency, a Government Decree listing the measures for implementation of the declaration of the state of emergency was approved at the Meeting of the Council of Ministers on March 28, 2020.

The measures adopted aim to prevent COVID-19, contain the pandemic, save lives and ensure the subsistence of supply chains of essential goods and services for our population, even though they may limit some fundamental rights and freedoms. These measures are taken with respect for constitutional limits and following the guidelines of the World Health Organization and the example of other States.

The state of emergency is in force between 00:00 hours on March 28, 2020 and 23:59 hours on April 26, 2020 and applies to the entire national territory.

During the duration of the state of emergency, collective passenger transport is suspended.

Commercial and service establishments, markets and street vendors are allowed.

When entering commercial or service establishments all persons must wear a protective mask covering their mouth and nose, wash their hands before entering and maintain a safe distance of at least one meter from other people. ENDS
