Program of the Wake and Funereal Ceremony of His Excellency Fernando La Sama of Araújo

From 03 Jun until 05 Jun

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

3 pm – 4 pm: Paying respect by H.E. the President of the Republic
4 pm – 5 pm: Paying respect by H.E. the President of the Nacional Parliament and members of Government
4 pm – 5 pm: Paying respect by of H.E. the President of the Court of Appeal and its respective members
6 pm – 7 pm: Paying respect by of H.E. the Prime–Minister and members of Government
8 pm – 9 pm: Paying respect by of H.E. the Commander of the PNTL and the Commander of the F-FDTL and respective members

Thursday, June 4, 2015

9 am – 10 am: Paying respect by the Diplomatic Corp, International organisations, specialised institutions of the United Nations
10 am – 11 am: Veterans and former combatants and organisations of the Resistance
11 am – 12 pm: Universities and Academic Institutes
12 pm – 1 pm: Pre-School Education
1 pm – 2.30 pm: Primary Education
2.30 pm – 3.30 pm: Pre-Secondary Education
4.30 pm – 5.30 pm: Secondary Education
5.30 pm – 6.30 pm: All the political parties
6.30 pm – 7.30 pm: Religious congregations
7.30 pm – 8.30 pm: Civil Society (national NGOs)
8.30 pm – until the end: Opening to the public organised by the Ministry of Education

Friday, June 5, 2015

10 am – 10.30 am: Leaves the official residence, in Farol, towards the Ministry of Education (Order in the Procession)
11.30 am – 1 pm: Leaves the Ministry of Education Towards the Díli Cathedral (Requiem Mass)
1.15 pm – 2.30 pm: Leaves the Cathedral towards the National Parliament (Final homage)

Program at the National Parliament

a) Opening of the Plenary at the National Parliament
b) National Anthem
c) A minute of silence
d) Reading of the expression of grief by the National Parliament
e) Intervention of the parliamentary leaders
f) Reading of the Decree of the President of the Republic by the President of the Commission of Tribute
g) Posthumous decoration of the late Fernando “La Sama” de Araújo
h) Speech by H.E. the President of the Republic, Taur Matan Ruak
i) Closing of the Plenary
j) National Anthem

2.45 pm – 4.45 pm: Leaves the National Parliament towards the Garden of the National Heroes, in Metinaro

Program at the Garden of the National Heroes

a) Reading of the deceased’s biography by the Tribute Commission
b) Words of thanks by the family of the deceased
c) Closing words by Maun Boot Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão

4.45 pm – to the end: Placing of flowers at the tomb of the deceased

a) H.E. the President of the republic and wife and members
b) H.E. the President of the National Parliament and Parliament members with their respective spouses
c) H.E. the Prime Minister and wife and members of the Sixth Constitutional Government and spouses (including the Timor-Leste Ambassadors accredited overseas)
d) H.E. the President of the Court of Appeal and wife and respective members
e) Family representatives of the deceased
f) Diplomatic Dean and members of the Diplomatic Corps (and Heads of Mission)
g) Veterans and former combatants and organisations of the Resistance
h) Former members of State organs of sovereignty
i) Commander of the F-FDTL and wife and respective members
j) Commander General of the PNTL and wife and respective members
k) Little parties with a seat in National Parliament (PD, CNRT, FRETILIN and Frente Mudança)
l) Reverend Bishops of Díli, Baucau and Maliana and members of the Ecclesiastical Conference
m) Representatives of other religious confessions
n) Representatives of the Civil Society (National NGOs)
o) Rectors of the Universities and Directors of Academic Institute

The program finishes with “Placing of flowers” by those present

Timorese Traditional Farewell
