Timor-Leste and Portugal strengthen cooperation in the Defence area

Thu. 02 of December of 2010, 14:47h

The Timor-Leste Secretary of State for Defence, Júlio Tomás Pinto and the Portuguese Secretary of State of National Defence for Sea Issues, Marcos Perestrello, signed, November 19 last, in the government Palace, a cooperation agreement in the Defence area, between Timor-Leste and Portugal.

Within the scope of this cooperation, the Command of the Timor-Leste Defence Forces, F-FDTL, will send sergeants and officials for training in Portugal. The visit of the Secretary of State of National Defence for Sea Issues, to Timor-Leste, confirmed Portugal’s commitment to help Timor-Leste, said Júlio Tomás Pinto after the signature of the Memorandum of Understanding.

Júlio Tomás Pinto advanced that this is the continuation of the agreement made in 2007 between both countries, regarding the continuous support to the F-FDTL and the 2020 Force plan that already exists. There was also discussion on a possible agreement regarding other trainings that, in the future, Portugal can offer to the F-FDTL.

One other issue discussed was the mechanism that will allow the Timor-Leste Defence Forces, in the future, to become a part of the Portuguese contingent in the Peacekeeping Force.
