Ambassador of Ukraine visits Timor-Leste

Constâncio da Conceição Pinto, Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, had a meeting with the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Ukraine, based in Malaysia, Ilhor V. Humennyi, on December 4th, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.
“The Ambassador referred the existing conflict in Ukraine and, at the same time, asked for our support to the application of their country to non-permanent Member of the UN Security Council”, informed Constâncio da Conceição Pinto.
A request on the part of the Timorese Vice Minister, aimed at the Ukrainian Ambassador, was about organizing exchange visits between both countries.
According to the responsible for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, “Concerning cooperation between Timor-Leste and Ukraine, it hasn’t yet been established any bilateral agreement, we are still exploring possibilities for it to be viable. Ukraine is ready to provide, for example, scholarships and also other ways of cooperation.
At this meeting, the Vice Minister was accompanied by the National Director for Europe, Armindo Pedro Simões and the Focal Point of Timor-Leste to Central and Southern Europe, Martinho da Cruz Lopes.