Prime Minister Xanana Gusmão Awarded the Founder's Award of the 2025 Sunhak Peace Prize

On Wednesday, January 15th, 2025, Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão was awarded the Founder's Award of the 2025 Sunhak Peace Prize, an international recognition “for his contributions to Timor-Leste's independence, national reconstruction and international cooperation”. The award ceremony is scheduled for April 2025 in South Korea.
During the press conference announcing the awardees, Yeon Ah Moon, on behalf of the award's founder, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, pointed out that “the Sunhak Peace Prize” has tirelessly pursued the pillars of respect for human rights, promotion of reconciliation and preservation of the environment. Today, we celebrate individuals who have dedicated their lives to solving global challenges and who will continue to illuminate the universal values of peace for which humanity strives.
The Chairman of the Prize Committee, José Manuel Durão Barroso, also stressed that “the Sunhak Peace Prize 2025 celebrates visionary leaders who have transformed the ideals of peace into concrete and sustainable solutions, courageously facing global challenges and leading transformative change.”
Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão was described as “a leader who symbolizes Timor-Leste's independence and democracy”. “Gusmão became the country's first president in 2002 and later served as prime minister, demonstrating visionary leadership in rebuilding the nation, restoring the economy and promoting social cohesion.”
The Committee also recognized Xanana Gusmão's role as “Founder of the g7+: A Global Platform for Conflict-Affected Nations”, highlighting that “under his leadership, the g7+ has become a model for addressing post-conflict recovery and sustainable development, gaining global recognition for its impact on peace-building and cooperation”.
Sunhak is a foundation created by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon and Rev. Sun Myung Moon, dedicated to global peace and human rights. In 2015, it launched the Sunhak Peace Prize to recognize outstanding contributions in these fields, with a focus on the pillars of human rights, reconciliation and environmental sustainability. The prize is awarded every two years by an international committee during a ceremony in South Korea, highlighting initiatives that offer concrete solutions to global challenges. The Founder's Award pays special tribute to individuals whose achievements reflect these ideals.