Groundbreaking ceremony for the new RTTL, EP building

Fri. 20 of December of 2024, 14:51h

On December 19th 2024, the groundbreaking ceremony for the new Radio and Television of Timor-Leste (RTTL, EP) building took place. The event was attended by the Prime Minister, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, the Secretary of State for Social Communication, Expedito Dias Ximenes, and the President of RTTL, José António Belo, as well as representatives of the diplomatic corps and development partners.

The construction of the new building, scheduled for finalisation in March 2026, represents an investment of 5.7 million US dollars. Funding is provided by a partnership between the Government of Timor-Leste, the Government of Japan and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). In addition to construction, the project includes technical training for journalists and other RTTL professionals, with the aim of strengthening the team's skills in the face of the demands of modern and effective communication.

The new complex will include an auditorium, recording studios and rooms for writing and producing content. This space has been designed to be functional and resilient, in response to the adverse conditions that have affected the current building, especially the damage caused by the 2021 floods, which jeopardised the proper functioning of the station.

At the extraordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers, held on 16 December 2024, it was decided to name the central RTTL building after Francisco Borja da Costa, while the auditorium will be called Nino Konis Santana. At the same meeting, the Council of Ministers also decided that the multi-function studio will be named ‘David Alex “Daitula”’.
