Government Imposes Deadline for Regularisation of INSS Contributions at State Entities

At its meeting on October 30th 2024, the Council of Ministers approved the draft Government Resolution, presented by the Minister of Social Solidarity and Inclusion, Verónica das Dores, on compliance with the enrolment and contribution obligations under the Contributory Social Security Scheme, was approved.
This Government Resolution reinforces the State's duty, enshrined in Article 56 of the Constitution of the Republic, to organise a social security system that protects all workers in the country, in the public and private sectors, and ensures the right to social security and assistance. Established by Law no. 12/2016, of November 14th, the social security system has been in force since 2017. It defines the responsibilities of employers, including the registration of workers and the monthly submission of remuneration statements to the National Social Security Institute (INSS).
This Government Resolution stipulates that all entities in the State's direct and indirect administration must regularise the registration of their workers with the INSS by November 15th, 2024, and submit monthly pay statements by the 15th of each month. The INSS provides the necessary tables on its website and will present a list of non-compliant entities to the Council of Ministers by November 30th, 2024.
Failure to comply with this Resolution shall render those responsible for the services and entities of the State's direct and indirect administration with competence for the enrolment of workers and the monthly delivery of Remuneration Statements liable to civil, financial, reinstatement and disciplinary action.