Prime Minister presides over Launch of the Book “Simone Weil: Suffering, Colonization and Uprooting - A Look at Timor-Leste”

Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão presided over the launch of Martinho Borromeu's book Simone Weil: Suffering, Colonialisation and Uprooting—A Look at Timor-Leste. The event occurred at the Nossa Senhora de Fátima Minor Seminary (SENOFA) in Balide, Dili.
During the ceremony, the Prime Minister congratulated the author, recognising him as a Timorese of great intelligence and ability to reflect on suffering and colonisation. Xanana Gusmão said: "This book, by Martinho Borromeu, inspires young people, especially university students, encouraging them to reflect and critically analyse complex issues such as colonisation. By reading this book, we are challenged to think about the world more deeply."
The national leader emphasised the importance of educating young Timorese in philosophy and critical thinking, mentioning the tradition of high-quality teaching at the Soibada Seminary.
He also pointed out that "the 9th Government is committed to reforming and improving the quality of education in higher education, and this book is an example of how education can promote critical thinking and philosophical reflection."
Although the book is written in Portuguese, a language that many still don't fully master, the Prime Minister encouraged people to read it, praising the depth and clarity of the philosophical thought presented. He also asked the author to donate two copies of the book to each university in Timor-Leste so that teachers can use them as a teaching resource for their students.
The Rector of Our Lady of Fatima Seminary, Father Natalino da Costa, expressed his gratitude for the Prime Minister's presence and the inspiring message he brought to the seminarians. Father Natalino considered that the Prime Minister's message planted a seed of reflection in the young people currently studying at the seminary.
The book's author, Martinho Borromeu, holds a PhD in Philosophy from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUCPR) and a master’s in philosophy from the Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira in Kupang, Indonesia. He is currently undertaking post-doctoral research at PUCPR. He is the Principal Lecturer and Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Human Sciences at the National University of Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL).
The launch ceremony was attended by seminarians from SENOFA Balide, the author's family and the Timorese Catholic University (UCT) professors.