
Government of Timor-Leste signs Memorandum of Understanding with Civil Society OrganizationsOn March 30, the Government of Timor-Leste, through the Support Unit for Civil Society, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with civil society organizations to support its programs for 2017, at the Government Palace, in Dili. 84 proposals were submitted to the Civil Society Office, for selection in 2017. Of these, 43 were already submitted to the last selection stage. It is a process involving the Directors of the relevant Ministries, namely Agriculture, Education, Social Solidarity, SEFOPE and representatives of two Civil Society organizations - FONGTIL (Forum of Non-Governmental Organizations of Timor-Leste) and CNJTL (Conselho Nacional da Juventude de Timor-Leste), who are also part of the selection team, to which the criteria of the Civil Society Fund are applied.


Página do Governo - Youth and Sports 2009 Part 1
Página do Governo - Foreign Affairs 2009 Part 2
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Página do Governo - Energy Policy 2009 Part 3
2010-03-30Energy Policy
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