
Elections for Suco Bodies 2016The Government congratulates the Ministry of State Administration, the National Election Commission [CNE], the Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration [STAE], and all agencies and institutions involved in the successful running of the Elections for Suco Bodies conducted on the 29th of October. The elections took place in an orderly and peaceful way across Timor-Leste’s 12 municipalities and the Special Zone of Oé-Cusse Ambeno, involving each of the nation’s 442 Sucos and 2,225 Aldeias [villages].


Página do Governo - Youth and Sports 2009 Part 1
Página do Governo - Foreign Affairs 2009 Part 2
2010-03-30Foreign Affairs
Página do Governo - Energy Policy 2009 Part 3
2010-03-30Energy Policy
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