The role of media in Gender Equality

Thu. 13 of March of 2014, 16:18h

The Secretariat of State for the Promotion of Equality (SoSPE), in cooperation with the Secretariat of State for Media (SoSM), the Technical Training Centre in Communication (CEFTEC) and the Non-Governmental Organization Paz y Desarrollo (PYD), organized in March 12, in Dili, a workshop with the theme "media and gender perspective."

The workshop aimed to increase the capacity and knowledge of the media over the issue of gender and how to cover activities related to the promotion of gender and gender equality in Timor-Leste.

"I am proud with the presence of representatives of the media, from the 13 districts, in their ideas, opinions, constructive criticism and strategies on the promotion of gender equality," said the Secretary of State for the Promotion of Equality, Idelta Maria Rodrigues.

According to the Secretary of State "the media have the capacity to transform society" since it is through the media that the public is informed about the progress of national development and therefore have a key role in influencing the political and socio-cultural life of the country.

The Secretary of State for Media, Nelio Isaac Sarmento, also stressed that the media have an important role in promoting equality and they need to assess their role in matters related to gender since 2000 until the present day.

To Nelio Isaac Sarmento is necessary to have the same ideology between the women's movement and the media on the strategy against gender inequality. There must be cooperation between the media and civil society organizations, intensive training to develop gender sensitivity.

"The Government has always promoted training courses to the media about gender equality so I ask the organizations to always take into account gender issues", reinforced the Secretary of State for Media.

The workshop was attended, by the Deputy Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of RTTL, EP, Milena Abrantes Gonzaga, the Director of the NGO Paz y Desarrollo, Carlo Condeli, directors of media organizations, journalists, national directors, departmental heads of government institutions and representatives of institutions of State Security and Community Radios of the 13 districts.
