Ministry of Education awards accreditation to UNITAL and UNDIL

Oriental University (UNITAL) and Dili University (UNDIL) are officially accredited as Higher Education Institutions. This accreditation is valid for five years, taking these institutions the commitment to, in the future, submit themselves to programmatic accreditation.
The accreditation of these two universities is the result of an evaluation performed in October 2013, by Prof. PHd Nirwan Idrus, from Malaysia, by Dr. Manuel Corpus, of the Philippines and by Dirce Belo, from Timor-Leste. This evaluation was based in the facts and in the conditions of both universities.
The Ministry of Education hopes that, in the future, universities cooperate in order to accomplish the criteria, according to what is determined by The Official Gazette (Jornal da República), as higher education institutions are the most important and relevant in terms of the preparation for the labour market.
After the publishing of the accreditation result of both universities, which occurred on February 20th, the Minister for Education, Bendito de Freitas, spoke to journalists in the conference room of the Ministry of Education: “our young people have always been stimulated to enroll in UNTL. Now, they can also enrol in UNDIL or UNITAL, for now they accredited and are important partners of the Government, majorly in the area of academic sciences’ development”.
The qualities of these two universities were based in eight evaluation criteria, such as: institutional mission, governance and administrative management, academic program, curriculum, teaching structure, priorities and financial capacity. Every university should focus in the institution and in the aim of its development at national level.
The Rector of the University of Dili, António Cardoso, considered himself satisfied with the official publishing of the accreditation of both universities, by the Ministry of Education.
“For our university, it was such a joy the accreditation awarded by the Ministry of Education. This accreditation, and the joint work with the Ministry of Education, is an asset for the improvement of the university system”, referred António Cardoso.
The Rector of Oriental University, Roberto Jerónimo, showed himself equally satisfied with this award, by promising to make an effort to bet in the improvement of quality in his Institution: “this accreditation increases our responsibility in this globalization area and in the preparation of young people with knowledge”.