Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers on July 29, 2013

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

V Constitutional Government


Díli, July 29, 2013

Press Release

Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers on July 29, 2013


The V Constitutional Government met extraordinarily this Tuesday, July 29, 2013 in the Council of Ministers Meeting Room at the Government Palace in Díli and approved the following:

1. Renewal of the Contract for Supply of Diesel Power Plants

The Council of Ministers approved the renewal of the contract for the supply of diesel for power plants with the company ETO (Esperança Timor-Oan) until January 2014, and the Ministry of Public Works is responsible for preparing an international tender for the subsequent supply by September 2013.

The Council of Ministers also analysed the following:

1. Presentation of the Project “Timor-Leste, Indonesia and Northern Territory of Australia – Regional Integrated Economic Development”

Recognizing the potentialities of the Regional Integrated Economic Development of Timor-Leste with Indonesia, the former Minister of Economy and Development of the IV Constitutional Government, João Gonçalves, submitted to the Council of Ministers a draft of an initiative that promotes and provides legal and institutional support. Ministers of the Northern Territory of Australia have expressed the will to actively participate in this project.

The project is based mainly on three connectivity types: physical, institutional and people-to-people. Physical connectivity refers to transport, information and communication technologies and energy areas. Institutional connectivity refers to trade, services, and investment liberalization, mutual recognition agreements, regional transport agreements, cross-border procedures and capacity building programs. The education, culture and tourism areas belong to people-to-people connectivity.
