Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers on July 2, 2013

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

V Constitutional Government


Díli, July 2, 2013

Press Release

Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers on July 2, 2013

On Tuesday, July 2nd 2013, the Government met extraordinarily, in the Council of Ministers conference room, at the Government Palace in Dili, and approved:

1. Government Resolution which approves the Extinction of Martial Arts Groups

The Council of Ministers determined the extinction of the groups designated by PSHT KORK, and KERAK SAKTI, as well as a number of other measures designed at restoring public order and social harmony, which are threatened by the actions committed by these groups.

The situation has been dragging on for some years, but the state authorities have been facilitating various meetings between martial arts groups since 2002. These meetings produced several commitment statements in order to safeguard the respect for the principles of social coexistence, and culminated in the signing of a document in May 2011, in which the groups vowed to contribute to a peaceful and stable environment in the country. However, these commitments have never produced the desired effect, which shows a lack of responsibility on the part of those organization's leaders.

Recent incidents in Dili and other districts, involving Martial Arts groups, have been causing serious disturbances, property destruction, injuries and deaths.

Some organizations have made oaths on Indonesian soil, under the flag of the Republic of Indonesia - which is unacceptable to Timorese citizens. In order to cross the border, these people have used illegal means, without passports or visas. Moreover, very recently there was a murder crime, committed by these groups in conflict, on the island of Java.

On various occasions, the intervention of members of the PNTL and the F-FDTL, was one of protecting these groups, a fact that did not help resolve these clashes in Dili and in the countryside.

Therefore - considering that some Martial Arts groups have not complied with the principles set out in the Martial Arts Law 10/2008, dated July 16th, neither have they complied with the temporary suspension of practicing Martial Arts, which is established in the Government Resolutions number 35/2011 and 24/2012 - the Government decided to accept the content of the Martial Arts Regulatory Commission's (MARC) report, on the involvement of Martial Arts groups practicing violence and disturbances, and determined the extinction of the Martial Arts groups designated by PSHT, KORK, and KERAK  SAKTI  with a total ban on any martial arts activity of their members.

The Government also determines a  "zero tolerance" policy of for all members of the PNTL and the F-FDTL who participate in Martial Arts group activities, and shall be subject to disciplinary action, including dismissal from the respective institutions, according to their disciplinary statutes.

The Government also determines that the PNTL and the F-FDTL Command ensures full compliance with this Resolution.

The community leaders should participate in complying with this resolution, in cooperation with the security forces and the CRAM.
