Meeting of the Council of Ministers on October 24, 2012

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

V Constitutional Government


Díli, October 24, 2012

Press Release

Meeting of the Council of Ministers on 24 October 2012

The V Constitutional Government met this Wednesday, October 24, 2012, in the meeting room of the Council of Ministers at the Government Palace in Dili, and approved:

1. Decree-Law establishing a extraordinary period of promotions in the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL)

    In 2009, following the approval of the scheme of promotions, the PNTL underwent a major transformation in terms of hierarchical structure. There is, however, still a need to increase the number of openings in some positions, and also to grant new promotions, which necessitates the creation of a special period for this purpose.

    2. National Program for Development of Sucos

      The National Program for Development of Sucos (portuguese acronym PNDS), launched last June, provides financial and technical support in the implementation of national priorities among Sucos for a period of eight years (2013-2020).

      A system will also be established to monitor implementation and to process and resolve complaints to ensure that communities receive the full benefit of this program.

      This program was established in January this year, with the adoption of general policies for the establishment of the National Mechanism to Accelerate Community Development, particularly in the areas of construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of basic infrastructure that benefit and improve the quality of life for people in the Sucos. The Government Resolution approving this mechanism also defines and approves the constitution of the Technical Working Group and the Inter-ministerial Coordination Committee to set models of human resource management for the sustainable use of the government resources and staff.

      3. Government Resolution approving the dissolution of the Administration Board of the Autonomous Service of Medicines and Health Equipment (SAMES)

        As a result of serious irregularities reported in various audits of the performance of the Administration Board of the Autonomous Service of Medicines and Health Equipment (SAMES E.P.), which has been in operation for more than two years, the Council of Ministers decided, in accordance with the law, to dissolve the current Board of Directors and establish a commission to ensure the ongoing operation of SAMES E.P.. The Commission will consist of the following members: Odete Belo (Chairperson), Domingos Babo (vowel), Narciso Fernandes (vowel), Santana Martins (vowel), Luís Amaral (vowel) and Emília Mendonça (vowel).

        The Council of Ministers also analyzed:

        1. Presentation on the Díli Sanitation and Drainage Masterplan

          The Minister of Public Works presented the Council of Ministers with the final report on the “Dili Sanitation and Drainage Masterplan (DSDMP) 2013 – 2025”.

          The report, prepared by an international expert group comprised of representatives from two of Melbourne’s largest water corporations (Melbourne Water and Yarra Valley Water) and other water industry experts with international experience, was commissioned by the Council of Ministers in October 2010.

          The DSDMP report approved today in full is based on extensive and detailed analysis and research and represents a comprehensive “step-by-step” short, medium and long-term Investment and Implementation strategy for Sanitation and Drainage improvements in Díli. The DSDMP will enable the implementation of the Government’s long-term vision for the city as set out in the Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030.

          The Council of Ministers’ approval of the Masterplan will enable the allocation, in 2013 of the recommended DSDMP budget of $5 million, for the first year of a program that by 2025 which will reduce flooding by over 75 per cent and provide comprehensive sanitation services to approximately 43,000 properties.

          The Council of Ministers also concluded on the need for the setup of a Government Working Group to coordinate the engagement and management of the necessary technical assistance that will assist the setup and implementation of the DSDMP, in the immediate future.

          2. Presentation on the g7+ and New Deal

            The work of the g7+ group and the status of implementation of the New Deal was presented to the Council of Ministers by the Minister of Finance, before the Second High Level Meeting of the Panel on the Development Agenda Post 2015 when the MDGs expire.  This High Level meeting will be held in London on November 1 and 2.

            The Minister of Finance, the current Chair of the g7+ and Panel member working on the United Nations Development Agenda Post 2015, is seeking to ensure that that post MDG agenda takes account of the needs of fragile states.

            3. Presentation on the process of extraordinary Promotions in the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL

              The restructuring of the PNTL and the promotion process operating since 2009 was presented to the Council of Ministers by the Secretary of State for Security and the Chairperson of the Extraordinary Promotions Commission. Further, a plan for recruitment and new promotions were submitted to the Council of Ministers. .

              4. Presentation on Audit of Procurement

                The Ministry of Finance informed the Council of Ministers about the audit processes, and mechanisms that take place in public institutions in Timor-Leste.

                5. Current Status on preparations for the November National Commemorations

                  The National Organising Committee of the 37th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Independence of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and the Centenary of Manufahi Revolution and recognition of Dom Boaventura provided a progress report on preparations for the celebrations that will take place in November from 25 to 30.

                  The Council of Ministers also analyzed the ongoing preparations for the celebration of "20 Years of Mission Peace to Timor - Lusitânia Expresso" and November 12 (National Youth Day and anniversary of the Santa Cruz Massacre).
