The Program of the Fifth Constitutional Government endorsed by National Parliament

Minister of State and of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and

Official Spokesperson for the Government of Timor-Leste

Díli, 14th September, 2012

The Program of the Fifth Constitutional Government endorsed by National Parliament

After three days of debate the Program of the Fifth Constitutional Government has been endorsed by the National Parliament.

The Constitution of Timor-Leste, under Section 108, requires each incoming Government to submit its Program to the National Parliament for consideration thirty days after the swearing in of the Prime Minister and other members of the Government. This process began on Wednesday when the Prime Minister, His Excellency Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, presented the five-year Program of the Government in a speech to Members of the National Parliament. He opened this speech sharing his “hope to have an open dialogue with all representatives of the people in this National Parliament” and invited “careful and shared reflection.”

The Prime Minister explained that the overarching commitment of the Fifth Constitutional Government was “to support and promote the development of Timor-Leste” and to “strive to improve the living conditions of our People”.

The five-year program is in line with the Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030, the collective vision of the Timorese People to have a “population that is healthy, educated, safe and self-sufficient, with access to justice and to all essential goods and services.” Prime Minister Gusmão outlined the program in four broad areas, beginning each with a statement of principle:

“The development of social capital means placing people above all other interests.”

Improving the quality of, and access to, health, education, professional training, information, social justice and culture were at the core of this part of the program. The Prime Minister went into detail on the plans within the program for these areas.

“Infrastructure development is the driving force of national development.”

In this area the program included details about large investments to be undertaken to update, repair, improve or build key infrastructure to enable access to health, schools, markets, industries and businesses.

“To realize the full potential of Timorese people we need economic development and job creation.”

The Prime Minister went into the specific plans for the next five years to build a modern and diversified economy, based on agriculture, tourism and the petroleum industry, with a growing private sector and the creation of opportunities for all Timorese citizens.

“The consolidation of the institutional framework is essential to sustain our development ambitions.”

In this fourth part of the presentation Prime Minister Gusmão went into the specific plans of the Fifth Constitutional Government to promote good governance and to develop a public sector that is professional, respectable, responsible and efficient.

The Prime Minister concluded his presentation noting that the program “will be implemented by a government team that wants to do more and do better for the country, with the conviction that the public interest, the interest of the Timorese people, is above any individual interest.”

For three days the National Parliament considered, scrutinized and debated various aspects of the Program and today, September 14, the debate concluded without having to consider a motion against the five-year program.

Official Spokesperson for the Fifth Constitutional Government, Minister Ágio Pereira noted “the dialogue of the past days has been helpful and constructive, reflecting a diversity of views whilst at the same time strongly demonstrating a unity of purpose across all members to prioritize the interests of the Timorese People; and thanks all Members of the National Parliament for their input”. Minister Pereira concluded: “the challenge of implementation ahead is one the Fifth Constitutional Government is now set to tackle with commitment, enthusiasm and determination in service of the Nation.”

To read the Prime Minister’s Presentation Speech in full, please click here.

To read the Fifth Constitutional Government Program, please click here.

