Council of Ministers Meeting on August 22, 2012

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

V Constitutional Government


Dili, August 22, 2012

Press Release

Council of Ministers Meeting on August 22, 2012

The V Constitutional Government met this Wednesday, August 22, 2012, in the Noble Hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, in Díli, and approved:

1. Proposal of Law approving the Organic of the V Constitutional Government

Following the first meeting of the Council of Ministers, on August 9, and after a thorough analysis of its powers that are available to improve the law and adapt it to the needs that each member of Government considers essential to the performance of their duties, the Council of Ministers approved the Organic Law and Structure of the V Constitutional Government.


The Council of Ministers also analyzed:

1. Presentation of the Government Program

The Council of Ministers decided to hold work sessions to review in detail the V Constitutional Government’s Program and prepare the final version of the document.

2. Presentation of the 2012 Supplementary Budget

The Council of Ministers reconsidered the presentation of the Supplementary Budget for 2012, focusing primarily on the structuring and financial responsibilities of the various government offices. In this context,

the Civil Service Commission submitted to the Council of Ministers staff and recruitment maps from the Civil Service for this year (2012) that allows more efficient management of human and financial resources to affect amendments to the 2012 budget.

3. Presentation of the Calendar for the 2013 State Budget

The work plan calendar for the preparation of the Proposed Law of the State Budget for 2013 was again subject to assessment by the executive.
