Prime Minister visits Darwin

The Secretary of State for the Council of Ministers and

Official Spokesperson for the Government of Timor-Leste

Díli, May 31, 2012

Prime Minister visits Darwin

The Prime Minister, His Excellency Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, today received an Honorary Doctorate of Letters from the Charles Darwin University in Darwin, Australia. This is the highest honorary award the University is able to grant and was given in recognition of the Prime Minister’s contribution to nation building in Timor-Leste.

After receiving the award the Prime Minister gave the keynote address at a graduation ceremony held at the Darwin Convention Centre. He encouraged the graduates to “seize the opportunities provided by their education’ and asked them to ‘engage with the world and make a contribution to their society and to the region’. “Most of all’, he said ‘I urge you to never give up in the pursuit of your dreams”.

The speech was enthusiastically received by the large body of graduating students.

The time in Darwin also allowed an opportunity to meet with the Chief Minister of the Northern Territory the Honourable Paul Henderson. The Timorese  delegation discussed with the Chief Minister the close relationship between the Northern Territory and Timor-Leste and proposed ongoing ways in which to strengthen ties and enhance mutual cooperation.

On behalf of the people of the Northern Territory the Chief Minister presented a full scholarship to the visiting delegation which will enable a Timorese citizen to undertake the an Associate Degree in Process Engineering at the recently established North Australian Centre for Oil and Gas at Charles Darwin University.

During the visit the delegation were able to meet with Timorese students in Darwin and other members of Darwin’s Timorese community.

The Prime Minister was accompanied on the visit to Darwin by the Minister for Economic Development, His Excellency João Mendes Gonçalves, the Secretary of State for the Council of Ministers, His Excellency Agio Pereira and the Timor-Leste’s Ambassador to Australia Mr. Abel Guterres.
