Presidential Poll a great success for Timor-Leste

The Secretary of State for the Council of Ministers and

Official Spokesperson for the Government of Timor-Leste


 Díli, April 20, 2012


Presidential Poll a great success for Timor-Leste


The men and women of Timor-Leste have now completed the process of voting for their head of state, electing a new President for the country.  In a calm and orderly way they have exercised their democratic right to vote through both rounds of the election showing the world a nation committed to stability, peace and national unity.

The Government of Timor-Leste wishes to thank the electoral management body, the STAE, led by Mr. Tomas Cabral for their excellent organisation. On behalf  of the people of Timor-Leste the Government also extends its appreciation to all those who provided technical support and to the election observers for their part in monitoring this sucessful process.

It was a sign of political maturity that Presidential candidates conducted themselves throughout their campaigns with integrity and diginity. In the run off both candidates campaigned with great passion whilst encouraging their supporters to act responsibly. In this way they have shown their willingness to prioritize the welfare and stability  of Timor-Leste.

The country now looks forward to a successful Parliamentary election scheduled for the 7th of July.
