Council of Ministers Meeting from February 15, 2012




Council of Ministers Meeting from February 15, 2012

The Council of Ministers met this Wednesday, February 15, 2012, in the Council of Ministers Meeting Room, at the Government Palace, in Díli and approved:

1. National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for Timor-Leste

The National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for Timor-Leste will serve as a guiding framework for biodiversity conservation as the nation develops over the next two decades.

The Strategy is closely linked to the Strategic Development Plan (2011-2030) and is also consistent with other sector policies such as the National Action Plan on Climate Change (December 2010), the National Plan to Combat Soil Degradation (February 2009) and the Sector Plans for Fisheries and Forests, among others.

The document presents a framework for guiding approaches to biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management, and is addressed to district authorities and sub-district, civil society and the private sector. The National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for Timor-Leste meets one of the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity, of which Timor-Leste is a signatory, and creates the foundation for the future ratification of the Protocol of Nagoya Access and Benefit Sharing of Genetic Resources.

2. Report on Sustainable Development in Timor-Leste

This report reviewed by the Council of Ministers meeting held on January 25, will be presented by the Timorese authorities at the UN Conference Rio+20 Summit on Sustainable Development to be held in June 20-22 this year in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

3. Government Decree approving the meal allowance given to employees of the Public Building Security

This diploma updates the value of the food allowance given to employees of the National Public Building Security, which, pursuant to Government Decree no. 6/2011 of July 6, was seeking to set budgetary constraints and, now having increased it takes into account the cost of living.

4. Decree-Law on the Regime of Private Security

This Decree-Law regulates private security activity, provides for the obligations and duties of operators and staff surveillance and provides a regime of enforcement and sanctions.

This sector was previously regulated by the Temporary Regime on Exercising Private Security, approved by the Dispatch 03/GABSES/VII/2010 of August 6.

5. Decree-Law on the Status of Justice Officers

Under the reorganization of administrative support services to the courts, the prosecutor and public defender shall be have the  autonomous status of bailiffs, recognizing the specificity of their duties and the increasing demands of public service that are demanded.

Alongside the implementation of the acts of judges and a wide range of procedural measures to ensure that they are responsible, the bailiffs are those who are the first point of contact for participants in the administration of justice and with the general public in regard to judiciary institutions.

The specific nature of the functions performed requires that bailiffs have specialized knowledge and training which is recognized in their special career regime, that  that there is a  system of recruiting and training which is adequate to prepare  for the proper performance of functions and a system of progression based on merit.

6. Legal Regime of Public-Private Partnerships

Following the approval of the Policy of Public Private Partnerships at the meeting of the Council of Ministers on February 8, this presentation aims to raise the Council of Ministers awareness of the rules under which a public sector entity and a private partner may enter into agreements for public private partnerships.
