Timor-Leste makes headway in harmonizing Donors with Aid on-line

The Secretary of State for the Council of Ministers and

Official Spokesperson for the Government of Timor-Leste

Díli, November 14, 2011


Timor-Leste makes headway in harmonizing Donors with Aid on-line

To launch the ambitious Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030, Timor-Leste has focused on ensuring its’ citizens have the tools they need to participate in the nation-building process. As part of Budget Made Simple 2012, aid funds will now be on-line.

By launching targeted initiatives such as distributing Census information to every suco, and funding on-line gateways like the user friendly Budget and Procurement portals, the Government has prepared local communities and international partners alike with transparent and vital access to information. Secretary of State Pereira noted “If knowledge is power, then we, as a Government, have the responsibility to empower our citizens so they may contribute as active players in the development process. Whether they are part of the private sector, civil society, media, or at home mothers caring for their families - every citizen must know and understand where we are as a nation, where we want to be, and what our individual role can be in the process of achieving our goals.”

On October 28th, 2011, the process expanded with Donors coming on-line. The new system was created to allow the National Government through to local communities access to information that will enable them to review and assess data on aid coming into Timor-Leste.

With 46 donors and 302 NGO’s all wanting to contribute to the development of Timor-Leste, it was crucial a system was implemented to first, provide comprehensive data on aid flows, and secondly, to provide information on project and program implementation so there is not duplication of programs, wastage, or inequality in distribution. This allows Donors and the Government to coordinate, amongst other things, sector programming, funding, equality in distribution and better budget outcomes.

With the Aid Management Platform (AMP), all actors can better allocate, target and harmonize development planning as well as utilize the tool as an important resource for the monitoring and evaluation of overall aid effectiveness.

The National Directorate of Aid Effectiveness has been working closely with five pilot Development Partners on the system and looks forward to working with all Development Partners on training and data entry for the system in the lead up to 2012.

The Secretary of State for the Council of Ministers closed by saying “Timor-Leste is launching the necessary statebuilding functions to execute its’ one vision, one plan of development with our People, with our donors, with civil society and the private sector. This new system to coordinate aid flows and make them transparent, understandable and readily available to analyse and assess is a huge step for Timor-Leste, we thank all those involved in the launch of this important program.”

Further information on this system can be obtained from Mr Arlindo Monteiro, National Directorate for Aid Effectiveness, Ministry of Finance (amonteiro@mof.gov.tl ) tel. +670 7892245
