

Mapa de Timor-Leste

Area: 15.007 Km2
Population: 1,066,582 (2010 Census)
Capital: Díli
Nationality: Timorese
Official Languages: Portuguese and Tétum (national language) Apart from these there are another 15 local dialects
Working Languages: English and Bahasa Indonesian
Declaration of Independence: November 28, 1975
Restoration of Independence: May 20, 2002
Date of promulgation of the Constitution: March 22, 2002, effective since May 20 2002
Government System: Parliamentary Republic
Administrative Division: 13 districts, 67 Sub-Districts
Ethnic Composition: Majority of the population is of Malay-Polynesian and papua origin; minorities of Chinese, Arabs and Europeans
Religion: About 90% Catholics; Minorities of Protestants, and Muslims
Climate: Tropical hot and humid; Tropical rains; Moderate in the mountains
Location: Situated 550 km north of Australia, it is the smallest and more eastern island of the Malay archipelago. Timor-Leste includes the enclave of Oecussi-Ambeno, situated on the Western (Indonesian) part of the island, and the islands of Ataúro and Jaco. It is the only Portuguese speaking country independent nation in Asia
Physical Aspects: North and South costs are divided by mountain ranges. Altitudes inferior to 3000 m; Most elevated point is the Ramelau with 2972 m. Vegetation characterized by the abundance of Teak trees, sandal trees, coconuts and eucalyptus
Currency: American Dollar (USD)
Time Zone: UTC + 9h (UTC)
Internet Code (TLD): .tl
International Telephone Code: +670

