Flying the National Flag on Solemn Days

The Secretary of State for the Council of Ministers and

Official Spokesperson for the Government of Timor-Leste

Dili, July 30, 2011

Flying the National Flag on Solemn Days


The National Flag and the National Anthem are the unifying symbols of the Timorese Nation, representing national sovereignty and the independence, unity and integrity of Timor-Leste. As such, they must be respected by all Timorese citizens, regardless of their political convictions, religious beliefs and social origins.

It is an obligation of the State to ensure that every Timorese citizen throughout the country respects the National Symbols, particularly the National Flag and the National Anthem. This is even more so on Solemn Days associated with important and meaningful dates for the Nation’s sovereignty and independence.

Acknowledging that civil servants have a greater responsibility in terms of giving the proper respect to the National Symbols, the Government has decided to Fly the National Flag in all State Agencies and education establishments on 2 February (Falintil-FDTL Day), 27 March, (PNTL Day), 20 August, (FALINTIL Day) and on the first Monday of every month.

The National Flag will be raised on these dates at 8:00 AM, starting next 1 August, in a ceremony to be attended by all civil servants working at the various State Departments, who will sing the National Anthem.

Any citizens wishing to associate themselves with this initiative are hereby invited to attend the designated places, namely the Government Palace, Ministries, Secretariats of State, education establishments and other State agencies, on the dates above.
