Council of Ministers meeting of June 8, 2011





Council of Ministers meeting of June 8, 2011

This Wednesday, June 8, 2011, the Council of Ministers met at the Council of Ministers’ meeting room in the Government Palace, Díli, and approved:

1. Government Decree that approves the Regulation of Public Safety Medals

This diploma regulates the creation of a collection of decorations, as a symbol of gratitude to the Timor-Leste National Police agents, which in their professional activity or in a spontaneous heroic or altruistic act, have contributed significantly to the benefit of Timor-Leste and the Timorese.

2. Government Decree that approves the Commemorative Medal for Special Service Commission

With this Decree, the creation of a decoration is determined as a symbol of recognition to the Timor-Leste National Police agents that, in their professional activity, had fulfilled missions abroad, contributing, in this way, for the Institution’s projection, and particularly, to the image of availability and solidarity that Timor-Leste has towards the rest of the world.

3. Decree-Law that Approves the Amendment to the Scheme for Promotion of the National Police of Timor-Leste

In the recent promotion process of the Timor-Leste National Police (PNTL), various vacancies in several posts remained unfilled.

Taking into account that some members of the institution have not yet seen their status of National Liberation Combatants as duly recognized, and have even held positions of command in the Armed Front, the Council of Ministers decided to amend this diploma.

This amendment regulates the promotion of PNTL members who possess the status of National Liberation Combatants.

Also taking into account that the work that is being developed by the PNTL General Command and the Commission for Monitoring the Process of PNTL Promotions needs to have continuity, the Government decided to extend the transitional period.

4. Government Resolution for the appointment of members of the Monitoring Committee of the Process for Promotions of PNTL

Since the mandate of the Commission for the Monitoring Process of Promotions of the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) has recently been extended, it has become necessary to review its composition. Thus, the following members are appointed to become a part of the Commission:

1 – Isabel Ferreira (President)

2 – Mother Guilhermina Marçal (Member)

3 – Dr. Anacleto da Costa Ribeiro (Member)

4 – Commissioner Afonso de Jesus, 20 Deputy Commander-General (Memeber)

5 – Superintendent Eugénio Pereira (Member)

6 – Superintendent Arquimino Ramos (Member)

7 – Tânia Felicio, UNMIT (Member)

As alternate members are appointed:

1 – Cândida do Rosário, from the Secretariat of State of Security

2 – Assistant Superintendent Moises Amaral, from PNTL

3 – Superintendent Raul Curva, from UNMIT

5. Decree-Law regarding the First Amendment to the Organic Law of the Secretariat of State for Youth and Sports

With the objective to improve the supervision of activities of the Secretariat of State for Youth and Sports (SoSYS), the Office of Internal Audit and Inspection is created, provided with technical and administrative autonomy and competence in assessing and monitoring the activities to be implemented.

The Council of Ministers also analyzed:

1. Free Economic Zones

The Council of Ministers reviewed the study submitted by the firm DLA Piper, on the establishment of Special Economic Zones, explaining what they are, the various types that exist, the necessary conditions for implementation, the advantages and disadvantages and the necessary steps for their establishment. Several examples of Special Economic Zones were presented, set up in different parts of the world.

2. Timor-Leste National Bank of Investment and Development

Subsequent to the establishment of the Timor-Leste National Bank of Investment and Development, which is currently ongoing, the Ministry of Economic Development presented, to the Council of Ministers, the conditions for an open subscription for future shareholders.

The formal process of the constitution of the Timor-Leste National Bank of Investment and Development began with the approval, by the Council of Ministers, of the Resolution on the action plan for the creation of the Bank. The Resolution was approved at the extraordinary meeting on May 11, 2010, and determines the generic structure of the future institution.

3. “Hotel Timor” Investment Project

The Council of Ministers reviewed the investment project for the "Hotel Timor” in Dili. The conditions of the proposal submitted by the hotel’s managing company were discussed, as well as the feasibility of extending the concession contract upon the company's investment to expand the hotel.

4. Decree-Law for the Regulation of the Hoisting of the National Flag

The National Flag is a unifying symbol of the Nation, which has to be dignified as such, and where its cult should also be revived among all Timorese.

Recognizing that the legislation on the National Flag is incomplete, the Council of Ministers reviewed this diploma, which establishes the general rules that govern its hoisting on the days established by law.
